* Add ``--ingestion_type`` argument to ``submit-metadata-bundle``.
**PR 8: SubmitCGAP file upload bug**
* Add ``--upload_folder`` argument to the ``resume-uploads`` and ``submit-metadata-bundle`` scripts. * Fix bug `SubmitCGAP file upload bug (C4-383) <https://hms-dbmi.atlassian.net/browse/C4-383>`_. * Add ``make retest`` to re-run test cases that have failed.
**PR 7: Accommodate new permissions protocol.**
* Implement support for submission with new permissions system.
**PR 6: Convert build to GA**
* Converts build from Travis to Github Actions.
**PR 5: Implement CGAP_KEYS_FILE**
* Fix environment variable ``CGAP_KEYS_FILE`` to allow override of what file contains the user's keys. This is intended only for internal use, not for end users, which is why it's not an argument to the relevant commands.