
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- This version contains many bug fixes and improvements


- This version only includes minors fixes requested by CRAN.


- In `dfSummary()`:
+ It is now possible to control which statistics to show in the
*Freqs / Values* column (see `help("st_options", "summarytools")`
for examples)
+ In *html* outputs, tables are better aligned horizontally (categories >>
counts >> charts); if misalignment occurs, adjusting `graph.magnif` should
resolve it
+ List-type columns and `Inf` values no longer generate errors
+ `tmp.img.dir` can be left to `NA` when `style = "grid"`
+ Fixed typo in attribute name `Dataf.rame.label`
+ Removal of grouping variables is now consistent across all languages
- In `descr()`:
+ Fixed headings being shown even if `headings=FALSE` (when using
`stby()` or `dplyr::group_by()`)
- In `ctable()`:
+ Fixed row/column names not always properly displayed
+ Fixed risk ratios showing when only odds ratios should
+ Fixed error when `prop="none"` with integer data
- Selected heading elements can be totally omitted by one of two ways:
+ Setting their *value* to empty string using `print()` or
`view()` parameters (in `?print.summarytools`, refer to list of arguments
that can be used to override heading elements)
+ Using `define_keywords()` and setting the *heading's label* to empty
- Improved functionality for customized terms / translations (see
`vignette("introduction", "summarytools")` for details)
- `fix-valign.tex` is now in the *includes* directory for use with
*R Markdown* when creating *pdf* documents with `dfSummary()` outputs -
see `vignette("rmarkdown", )

- Navigation links and table of contents were added to introductory vignette,
making it is easier to navigate


- Style "jira" has been added to reflect pander's support for it.
- Documentation has been reviewed and improved.
- In `dfSummary()`:
+ When generating a `dfSummary()` in Rmarkdown using `method = "render"`,
it is possible to set `tmp.img.dir = NA`. It must still be defined
(not as `NA`) when `method = "pander"` and `style = "grid"`.
+ Grouping variable(s) are now excluded from results when using
`stby()` or `dpyr::group_by()`. Use `keep.grp.vars = TRUE` to replicate
previous behavior.
+ Removed an extra (empty) line in text graphs
- In `ctable()` and `freq()`:
+ Fixed bug with integers
- The `ctable.round.digits` was added to the list of `st_options()` (there
is already a global `round.digits` option, but it uses `2` as default,
while `1` is a more sensible value for `ctable()`.
- `print.summarytools()` now removes titles from headings when keyword
"title.function" is set to `NA` or empty string.


which saw gradual changes being implemented over the course of several months.
See changes listed under 0.9.7 for changes since last CRAN release (0.9.6)


_GitHub-only_ release - this was a constantly evolving version to be eventually
released as 0.9.8 on CRAN when it reached maturity.

- Added shortcut function `stview()` pointing to
`summarytools::view()`. This avoids potential conflicts with
other packages using the more and more popular `view()` function
(notably, **tibble**, part of the **tidyverse** family, defines
`view()` as an alias for `View()`)
- Enforced adequate number formatting using `format()` internally, so that
using the following optional arguments with any core function or with
`print()` or `view()` will produce expected results:
+ decimal.mark, big.mark, small.mark
+ nsmall, digits
+ scientific
+ big.interval, small.interval (limited support)
- Fixed a bug arising when an object created using a language other
than the active one (`st_options("lang")`) was displayed
- Improved string encoding behavior
- Added global option "char.split" to control maximum number of characters
allowed in `descr()` and `ctable()` column headings showing variable names
- *html* footnotes are now always enclosed within a `<p>` tag
- Updated hex logo and added a favicon in html reports
- Simplified and improved performance of
- In `dfSummary()`:
+ Added support for list-type columns
+ Improved performance by optimizing barcode detection and blank character
replacements, which are the two main bottlenecks
+ Fixed a bug with barcode detection
+ Changed default value of round.numbers to 1 (which was de facto applied)
+ round.numbers doesn't affect proportions - only 1 decimal is shown, always
+ Made slight adjustments to the html graphs appearance
+ Improved alignment of Freq cell when numerical values are shown
+ Replaced "!" with "*" for rounded-values notice
+ Fixed issue where grouped `dfSummary()` tables would end up
nested in one another
+ Added a check for numerical variables having infinitesimal
variability, in which case a linear transformation is applied to
obtain better histograms
- In `descr()`:
+ Added the `order` argument that gives the option to display variables in
their order of appearance in the data or in a custom order (as opposed to
the default behavior which is to display them alphabetically sorted)
- In `freq()`, values for the `order` argument are now singular (backward
compatibility is preserved for now)
+ levels --> level
+ names --> name
- Three global options (set via `st_options()` were added:
+ ("multiline" by default; can also be set to "grid")
+ freq.cumul (TRUE by default; set to FALSE to hide cumulative proportions)
+ freq.ignore.threshold (25 by default; when feeding `freq()` a whole data
frame, this number determines how many distinct values are allowed for
numerical variables. Above that number, the variable will be ignored)

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