
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- In `ctable()`:
+ Added Odds Ratio and Risk Ratio (aka Relative Risk)
statistics with 95% C.I.'s
+ Fixed issue with chi-square statistic not reporting
appropriate values
+ Fixed html alignment of statistics below the table
(now centering based on table width as it should)
- In `dfSummary()`, fixed an issue arising when a very
large range of numeric values exists in a column


- Eliminated automatic check for X11 capabilities as it caused problems on some
systems; the user can instead set global option `st_options(use.x11 = FALSE)`
if encountering problems
- To simplify installation on Unix-like systems (including Mac OS), the
`RCurl::base64Encode()` function used to create ascii-encoded graphs in
*html* documents isn't used anymore; `base64enc::base64encode()` is used instead
- When saving outputs to *.Rmd* documents; 'plain.ascii' is now automatically set
to FALSE and 'style' is automatically set to "rmarkdown", in accordance with
with the way *.md* documents are generated
- Fixed bug arising with data frames called "data"
- `freq.silent` was added to global options
- Weights are now supported for `freq()` used in conjunction with `stby()` or
- Weights are also supported for `ctable()` used in conjunction with `stby()` (but
not with `dplyr::group_by()`)
- Improvements and fixes for `dfSummary()`:
+ Fixed null graphic device appearing in *RGui* and non-GUI interfaces
+ Calling `summarytools::dfSummary()` (without loading the package) is now
+ Improved *Rmarkdown* compatibility
- Improvements and fixes for `descr()`:
+ When `descr()` with `stby()`, results are no longer assembled into a single
table if more than one grouping variables are used
+ Fixed bug arising when using `stby()` with several grouping variables


- Added support for **dplyr**'s `group_by()` function as an alternative
to `stby()`
- Added support for **magrittr** `%$%` operator
- Added support for **pipeR** `%>>%` operator
- `freq()` recognizes factor level "(Missing)" from `forcats::fct_explicit_na`
as `NA`'s
- For `freq()` objects, `collapse` boolean parameter has been added as an
experimental feature (must be set in the `print()` method)
- Improved output when grouping by more than one variable, either with
`stby()` or `dplyr::group_by()`
- `tb()` supports objects having several grouping variables
- `tb()` has an added parameter "na.rm" for `freq()` objects
- Improved how `descr()` deals with empty vectors and invalid weights
- Fixed a problem with `freq()` arising when using sampling weights while no
missing values were present


- Function `tb()` turns `freq()` and `descr()` outputs into "tidy" tibbles
- Function `define_keywords()` allows defining translatable terms in GUI and
optionally save the results in a _csv_ file (through _Save File..._ dialog)
- Function `use_custom_lang()` replaces `useTranslations()` and triggers an
_Open File..._ dialog when no argument is supplied
- In `freq()`:
+ A new parameter `cumul` allows turning on or off cumulative
+ The _order_ parameter values "names", "freq", and "levels"
now have their counterparts "-names" (or "names-"), "-freq"
and "-levels"
+ A new parameter `rows` has been added; it allows subsetting
the output table either with a numeric vector, a character vector, or a
single search string (regular expression)
- In `ctable()`:
+ Added support for weights
+ Added logical argument "chisq.test" to display chi-square
results below the cross-tabulation table
- In `dfSummary()`, added content specific to email addresses: valid,
invalid, duplicates
- Added translations : Portuguese ("pt"), Turkish ("tr"), and Russian ("ru")

Deprecated functions:

- `byst()` had to be dropped because of issues related to objects names;
only `stby()` is accepted from now on
- `useTranslations()` has been replaced by `use_custom_lang()`


- Row subsetting is no longer displayed in the headings section, as it was

Special thanks to Paul Feitsma for his numerous suggestions.


For users updating solely from CRAN, this is a **major** update. _Many_ changes
were introduced since version 0.8.8 (versions 0.8.9 and 0.9.0 were released
solely on _GitHub_). Please refer to the README file, the two vignettes and the
information below for all the details.

- `stby()`, a summarytools-specific version of `by()`, is
introduced. It is **highly recommended** that you use it instead of `by()`;
its syntax is identical and it greatly simplifies the printing of the
generated objects
- In `dfSummary()`:
+ 'max.tbl.height' allows printing summaries in scrollable
windows (useful in _.Rmd_ when a data frame contains numerous variables)
+ Setting 'tmp.img.dir' allows the inclusion of _png_ graphs
in Rmarkdown documents when using pander method in combination with
arguments plain.ascii = FALSE and style = "grid"
+ Platform-specific _png_ device types are used, improving image quality
- Several examples are added to all main functions; use the `example()`
function to access them

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