- Function `tb()` turns `freq()` and `descr()` outputs into "tidy" tibbles
- Function `define_keywords()` allows defining translatable terms in GUI and
optionally save the results in a _csv_ file (through _Save File..._ dialog)
- Function `use_custom_lang()` replaces `useTranslations()` and triggers an
_Open File..._ dialog when no argument is supplied
- In `freq()`:
+ A new parameter `cumul` allows turning on or off cumulative
+ The _order_ parameter values "names", "freq", and "levels"
now have their counterparts "-names" (or "names-"), "-freq"
and "-levels"
+ A new parameter `rows` has been added; it allows subsetting
the output table either with a numeric vector, a character vector, or a
single search string (regular expression)
- In `ctable()`:
+ Added support for weights
+ Added logical argument "chisq.test" to display chi-square
results below the cross-tabulation table
- In `dfSummary()`, added content specific to email addresses: valid,
invalid, duplicates
- Added translations : Portuguese ("pt"), Turkish ("tr"), and Russian ("ru")
Deprecated functions:
- `byst()` had to be dropped because of issues related to objects names;
only `stby()` is accepted from now on
- `useTranslations()` has been replaced by `use_custom_lang()`