Backwards Incompatible Changes
- Support for Python 3.6 and Numpy 1.15 has been dropped in line with
`NEP 29 <https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html>`_.
The minimum supported version of Astropy is now 4.0, and the minimum version of scipy is now 1.2. (`4284 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4284>`__)
- Changed :func:`sunpy.coordinates.sun.B0` return type from `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
to `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`. (`4323 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4323>`__)
- An error is now raised if ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are passed to
to `sunpy.map.GenericMap.plot` and they are already set on the map ``norm``.
This is consistent with upcoming Matplotlib changes. (`4328 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4328>`__)
- Previously slicing the result of ``Fido.search()`` (a `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse` object) so that
it had a length of one returned another `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse` object.
Now it will return a `~sunpy.net.base_client.QueryResponseTable` object, which is a subclass
of `astropy.table.Table`. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- The ``.size`` property of a coordinate frame with no associated data will now raise
an error instead of returning 0. (`4577 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4577>`__)
- The following `~sunpy.map.Map` methods have had support for specific positional
arguments removed. They must now be passed as keyword arguments
(i.e. ``m.method(keyword_arg=value)``).
- :meth:`~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap`: ``width``, ``height``.
- ``sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle``: ``width``, ``height``, ``axes``, ``top_right``.
(`4616 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4616>`__)
- The sunpy specific attributes ``.heliographic_observer`` and ``.rsun``
are no longer set on the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` returned by `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs`. (`4620 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4620>`__)
- Due to upstream changes, the parsing logic for the `~sunpy.net.helio.HECClient` now returns
strings and not bytes for :meth:`~sunpy.net.helio.HECClient.get_table_names`. (`4643 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4643>`__)
- Reduced the selection of dependent packages installed by default via ``pip``,
which means that some of our sub-packages will not fully import when sunpy is installed with
``pip install "sunpy"``.
You can install all dependencies by specifying ``pip install "sunpy[all]"``,
or you can install sub-package-specific dependencies by specifying, e.g.,
``[map]`` or ``[timeseries]``. (`4662 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4662>`__)
- The class inheritance for `~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame` and the frames it
creates has been changed in order to stop depending on unsupported behavior in the underlying machinery.
The return values for some :func:`isinstance`/:func:`issubclass` calls will be different,
but the API for `~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame` is otherwise unchanged. (`4691 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4691>`__)
- Fix a bug in `~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap` where only the top right and bottom
left coordinates of the input rectangle in world coordinates were considered
when calculating the pixel bounding box. All four corners are once again taken
into account now, meaning that `~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap` correctly returns
the smallest pixel box which contains all four corners of the input rectangle.
To revert to the previous 2.0.0 behaviour, first convert the top right and bottom
left coordinates to pixel space before calling submap with::
top_right = smap.wcs.world_to_pixel(top_right) * u.pix
bottom_left = smap.wcs.world_to_pixel(bottom_left) * u.pix
smap.submap(bottom_left=bottom_left, top_right=top_right)
This will define the rectangle in pixel space. (`4727 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4727>`__)
- VSO results where the size was ``-1`` (missing data) now return ``None`` rather
than ``-1`` to be consistent with other missing data in the VSO results. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- All result objects contained within the results of a ``Fido.search()`` (a
`~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse` object) are now
`~sunpy.net.base_client.QueryResponseTable` objects (or subclasses thereof).
These objects are subclasses of `astropy.table.Table` and can therefore be
filtered and inspected as tabular objects, and the modified tables can be passed
to ``Fido.fetch``.
This, while a breaking change for anyone accessing these response objects
directly, will hopefully make working with ``Fido`` search results much easier. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- Results from the `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.NOAAIndicesClient` and the
`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.NOAAPredictClient` no longer has ``Start Time`` or
``End Time`` in their results table as the results returned from the client are
not dependent upon the time parameter of a search. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- The ``sunpy.net.vso.QueryResponse.search`` method has been removed as it has not
worked since the 1.0 release of sunpy. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- The ``sunpy.net.hek.hek.HEKColumn`` class has been removed, the ``HEKTable`` class
now uses the standard `astropy.table.Column` class. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- The keys used to format file paths in ``Fido.fetch`` have changed. They are now
more standardised across all the clients, as they are all extracted from the
names of the columns in the results table.
For results from the VSO the keys are no longer separated with ``.``, and are
based on the displayed column names. For results from the ``dataretriever``
clients the only main change is that the keys are now lower case, where they
were capitalized before. You can use the ``.sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse.path_format_keys``
method to see all the possible keys for a particular search. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- The time returned from :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_number`
has been changed from the TT scale to the more common UTC scale. To undo this change,
use ``time_out = time_out.tt`` on the outputted time. (`4819 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4819>`__)
- `~.BaseQueryResponse.response_block_properties` has been renamed to
``.BaseQueryResponse.path_format_keys``, on the return objects from all
``search()`` methods on all clients and from ``Fido.search()``. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- Removed deprecated functions:
- ``sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance``, alternative
is `sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.make_3d`.
- ``sunpy.image.coalignment.repair_image_nonfinite`` - if you wish to repair the image,
this has to be done manually before calling the various ``sunpy.image.coalignment`` functions.
- The ``repair_nonfinite`` keyword argument to ``calculate_shift`` and ``calculate_match_template_shift``
has been removed.
- ``sunpy.instr.lyra.download_lytaf_database`` - this just downloaded the file
at ``http://proba2.oma.be/lyra/data/lytaf/annotation_ppt.db``, which can be done manually.
- ``sunpy.util.net.check_download_file``, no alternative.
- ``sunpy.visualization.animator.ImageAnimatorWCS``, alternative is
``sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS``. (`4350 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4350>`__)
- Removed deprecated function ``sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep``.
Alternative is `~aiapy.calibrate.register` for converting AIA
images from level 1 to level 1.5. (`4485 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4485>`__)
- ``sunpy.cm`` has been removed. All of the functionality in this module can
now be found in `sunpy.visualization.colormaps`. (`4488 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4488>`__)
- ``sunpy.test.hash`` has been removed, the functionality has been moved into the
`pytest-mpl <https://github.com/matplotlib/pytest-mpl>`__ package. (`#4605 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4605>`__)
- ``sunpy.util.multimethod`` has been removed. (`4614 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4614>`__)
- The ``lytaf_path`` argument (which previously did nothing) has been removed from
- ``sunpy.instr.lyra.remove_lytaf_events_from_timeseries``
- ``sunpy.instr.lyra.get_lytaf_events``
- ``sunpy.instr.lyra.get_lytaf_event_types`` (`4615 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4615>`__)
- Deprecated ``sunpy.net.vso.attrs.Source`` and ``sunpy.net.vso.attrs.Provider``.
They are now `sunpy.net.attrs.Source` and `sunpy.net.attrs.Provider` respectively.
(`4321 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4321>`__)
- Deprecated the use of the ``sunpy.map.GenericMap.size`` property,
use ``sunpy.map.Map.data.size`` instead. (`4338 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4338>`__)
- ``sunpy.net.helio.HECClient.time_query`` is deprecated, `~sunpy.net.helio.HECClient.search`
is the replacement. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- ``sunpy.net.jsoc.attrs.Keys`` is deprecated; all fields are returned by default and can be filtered post search. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- ``sunpy.net.hek.attrs.Time`` is deprecated; `~sunpy.net.attrs.Time` should be used instead. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- Support for :func:`sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_wcs_frame_mapping` to
use the ``.heliographic_observer`` and ``.rsun`` attributes on a
`~astropy.wcs.WCS` is deprecated. (`4620 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4620>`__)
- The ``origin`` argument to `sunpy.map.GenericMap.pixel_to_world` and
`sunpy.map.GenericMap.world_to_pixel` is deprecated.
- If passing ``0``, not using the ``origin`` argument will have the same effect.
- If passing ``1``, manually subtract 1 pixel from the input to ``pixel_to_world``,
or manually add 1 pixel to the output of ``world_to_pixel``, and do not use the
``origin`` argument. (`4700 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4700>`__)
- The ``.VSOClient.link`` method is deprecated as it is no longer used. (`4789 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4789>`__)
- The ``.UnifiedResponse.get_response``, ``.UnifiedResponse.tables`` and
``.UnifiedResponse.responses`` attributes of ``.UnifiedResponse`` have been
deprecated as they are no longer needed now the object returns the table
objects it contains when sliced. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- :meth:`sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient.search` has a new keyword argument
``response_type=`` which controls the return type from the ``search()`` method.
In sunpy 2.1 and 3.0 it will default to the ``"legacy"`` response format, in
3.1 it will default to the new ``"table"`` response format, and the
``"legacy"`` format may be deprecated and removed at a later date.
Searches made with ``Fido`` will use the new ``"table"`` response format, so
this only affects users interacting with the ``VSOClient`` object directly. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- For :meth:`sunpy.map.GenericMap.quicklook` and :meth:`sunpy.map.MapSequence.quicklook` (also used for the HTML representation shown in Jupyter notebooks), the histogram is now shaded corresponding to the colormap of the plotted image.
Clicking on the histogram will toggle an alternate version of the histogram. (`4931 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4931>`__)
- Add an ``SRS_TABLE`` file to the sample data, and use it in the magnetogram
plotting example. (`4993 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4993>`__)
- Added a `sunpy.map.GenericMap.contour()` method to find the contours on a map. (`3909 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3909>`__)
- Added a context manager (:meth:`~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.assume_spherical_screen`)
to interpret `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` coordinates as being on
the inside of a spherical screen instead of on the surface of the Sun. (`4003 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4003>`__)
- Added `sunpy.map.sources.HMISynopticMap` for handling the Synoptic maps from HMI. (`4053 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4053>`__)
- Added a `~sunpy.map.sources.MDISynopticMap` map source class. (`4054 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4054>`__)
- Created `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GONGClient` for accessing magnetogram synoptic map archives of NSO-GONG. (`4055 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4055>`__)
- All coordinate frames will now show the velocity if it exists in the underlying data. (`4102 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4102>`__)
- The ephemeris functions :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst()`, :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_earth()`, and :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_horizons_coord()` can now optionally return the body's velocity as part of the output coordinate. (`4102 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4102>`__)
- `~sunpy.util.metadata.MetaDict` now maintains coherence between its keys and their corresponding keycomments. Calling ``del`` on a ``MetaDict`` object key is now case-insensitive. (`4129 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4129>`__)
- Allow ``sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS`` to disable ticks for
a coordinate, by setting ``ticks: False`` in the ``coord_params`` dictionary. (`4270 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4270>`__)
- Added a ``show()`` method for `~sunpy.net.base_client.BaseQueryResponse` which returns `~astropy.table.Table` with specified columns for the Query Response. (`4309 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4309>`__)
- Added ``_extract_files_meta`` method in ``sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper`` which allows scraper to extract metadata from the file URLs retrieved for a given time range. (`4313 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4313>`__)
- Refactoring of `~sunpy.net.dataretriever` which adds these capabilities to `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse`:
- Any ``attr`` shall not be defaulted to a hard-coded value in all subclasses of `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient`; thus records for all possible ``attrs`` shall be returned if it is not specified in the query.
- `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse` can now show more columns; thus all metadata extractable from matching file URLs shall be shown and for a client, non-supported ``attrs`` shall not be shown in the response tables. (`4321 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4321>`__)
- New class attributes added to `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient`:
- ``baseurl`` and ``pattern`` which are required to define a new simple client.
- ``optional`` and ``required`` which are a ``set`` of optional and required `~sunpy.net.attrs` respectively; which generalizes :meth:`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient._can_handle_query`. (`4321 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4321>`__)
- Additions in ``sunpy.util.scraper`` to support the refactoring of `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient`:
- ``sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper.findDatewith_extractor`` that parses the url using extractor to return its start time.
- A ``matcher`` in ``sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper._extract_files_meta`` which validates the extracted metadata by using the dictionary returned from :meth:`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient._get_match_dict`. (`4321 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4321>`__)
- Added methods :meth:`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient.pre_search_hook` and :meth:`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient.post_search_hook` which helps to translate the attrs for scraper before and after the search respectively. (`4321 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4321>`__)
- ``sunpy.timeseries.sources.RHESSISummaryTimeSeries.peek`` has had the following minor
- Colors from the default matplotlib color cycle are now used (but the colors remain qualitatively the same)
- The default matplotlib linewidth is now used
- It is now possible to pass in a user specified linewidth
- Seconds have been added to the x-axis labels (previously it was just hours and minutes) (`4326 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4326>`__)
- `~sunpy.net.helio.hec.HECClient` and `~sunpy.net.hek.hek.HEKClient` now inherit `~sunpy.net.base_client.BaseClient` which makes them compatible with the `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloaderFactory` (``Fido``). (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- `~sunpy.net.helio.attrs.MaxRecords` and `~sunpy.net.helio.attrs.TableName` added as "attrs" for HELIO searches. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- Add the ability to download new GOES 16 & 17 data alongside the reprocessed GOES 13, 14 and 15 data via the GOES-XRS Fido client. (`4394 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4394>`__)
- `sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient.request_data` now support additional parameter "method" which allows user to download staged data as single .tar file. (`4405 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4405>`__)
- Added ``sunpy.util.get_timerange_from_exdict`` which finds time range for a URL using its metadata.
Added ``sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper.isvalid_time`` that checks whether the file corresponds to a desired time range. (`4419 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4419>`__)
- Colormap data has been moved to individual .csv files in the
:file:`sunpy/visualization/colormaps/data` directory. (`4433 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4433>`__)
- Added `~sunpy.coordinates.utils.solar_angle_equivalency` to convert between a physical distance on the Sun (e.g., km) to an angular separation as seen by an observer (e.g., arcsec). (`4443 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4443>`__)
- `sunpy.map.Map` instances now have their ``.unit`` attribute set from the
``'BUNIT'`` FITS keyword. If the keyword cannot be parsed, or is not present
the unit is set to `None`. (`4451 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4451>`__)
- The `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs` property is now cached, and will be recomputed
only if changes are made to the map metadata. This improves performance of a
number of places in the code base, and only one warning will now be raised
about WCS fixes for a given set of metadata (as opposed to a warning each time
``.wcs`` is accessed) (`4467 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4467>`__)
- Extended :meth:`~sunpy.timeseries.GenericTimeSeries.concatenate` and
:meth:`~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData.concatenate` to allow iterables. (`4499 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4499>`__)
- Enable `~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame` to work with non-SunPy frames (e.g., `~astropy.coordinates.HeliocentricMeanEcliptic`). (`4577 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4577>`__)
- Add support for `pathlib.Path` objects to be passed to `sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries`. (`4589 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4589>`__)
- Add support for GOES XRS netcdf files to be read as a `sunpy.timeseries.sources.XRSTimeSeries`. (`4592 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4592>`__)
- Add `~sunpy.net.jsoc.attrs.Cutout` attr for requesting cutouts
from JSOC via `~sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient` and ``Fido``. (`4595 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4595>`__)
- sunpy now sets auxiliary parameters on `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs` using the
`astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.aux` attribute. This stores observer information, along with
the reference solar radius if present. (`4620 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4620>`__)
- The `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington` frame now accepts the specification of ``observer='self'`` to indicate that the coordinate itself is also the observer for the coordinate frame.
This functionality greatly simplifies working with locations of observatories that are provided in Carrington coordinates. (`4659 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4659>`__)
- Add two new colormaps (``rhessi`` and ``std_gamma_2``) that are used for plotting RHESSI maps. (`4665 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4665>`__)
- If either 'CTYPE1' or 'CTYPE2' are not present in map metadata, sunpy now assumes
they are 'HPLN-TAN' and 'HPLT-TAN' (previously it assumed 'HPLN- ' and 'HPLT- ').
In addition, a warning is also now raised when this assumption is made. (`4702 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4702>`__)
- Added a new `~sunpy.map.all_corner_coords_from_map` function to get the
coordinates of all the pixel corners in a `~sunpy.map.GenericMap`. (`4776 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4776>`__)
- Added support for "%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M" to :func:`sunpy.time.parse_time`. (`4791 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4791>`__)
- Added the STEREO EUVI instrument specific colormaps called" 'euvi171', 'euvi195', 'euvi284', 'euvi304'. (`4822 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4822>`__)
Bug Fixes
- `sunpy.map.GenericMap.date` now has its time scale set from the 'TIMESYS' FITS keyword,
if it is present. If it isn't present the time scale defaults to 'UTC', which is unchanged
default behaviour, so this change will only affect maps with a 'TIMESYS' keyword
that is not set to 'UTC'. (`4881 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4881>`__)
- Fixed the `sunpy.net.dataretriever.sources.noaa.SRSClient` which silently failed to download the SRS files when the tarball for the previous years did not exist.
Client now actually searches for the tarballs and srs files on the ftp archive before returning them as results. (`4904 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4904>`__)
- No longer is the WAVEUNIT keyword injected into a data source if it is missing from the file's metadata. (`4926 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4926>`__)
- Map sources no longer overwrite FITS metadata keywords if they are present in
the original metadata. The particular map sources that have been fixed are
`~sunpy.map.sources.SJIMap`, `~sunpy.map.sources.KCorMap`, `~sunpy.map.sources.RHESSIMap`,
`~sunpy.map.sources.EITMap`, `~sunpy.map.sources.EUVIMap`, `~sunpy.map.sources.SXTMap`. (`4926 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4926>`__)
- Fixed a handling bug in ``sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle`` when the rectangle is specified in a different coordinate frame than that of the map.
A couple of other minor bugs in ``sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle`` were also fixed. (`4929 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4929>`__)
- Improved error message from ``sunpy.net.Fido.fetch()`` when no email has been supplied for JSOC data. (`4950 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4950>`__)
- Fixed a bug when transforming from `~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame` to another frame at a different observation time that resulted in small inaccuracies.
The translational motion of the Sun was not being handled correctly. (`4979 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4979>`__)
- Fixed two bugs with :func:`~sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.differential_rotate` and :func:`~sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.solar_rotate_coordinate` that resulted in significant inaccuracies.
Both functions now ignore the translational motion of the Sun. (`4979 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4979>`__)
- The ability to to filter search results from the `~sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient` was broken.
This has now been restored. (`4011 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4011>`__)
- Fixed a bug where transformation errors were not getting raised in some situations when a coordinate frame had ``obstime`` set to the default value of ``None`` and `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` was not being used.
Users are recommended to use `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` to manage coordinate transformations unless they have a specific reason not to. (`4267 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4267>`__)
- Fixed a bug in `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.sources.goes.XRSClient._get_url_for_timerange` which returned incorrect URLs
because of not using ``**kwargs`` in the client's ``_get_overlap_urls()`` method. (`4288 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4288>`__)
- Data products from `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.NOAAIndicesClient` and
`~sunpy.net.dataretriever.NOAAPredictClient` have been updated to download
new JSON files. The old text files which the data used to come in no longer
exist. The new JSON files for `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.NOAAIndicesClient`
now do not have the following columns:
- Geomagnetic Observed and Smoothed
- Sunspot Numbers Ratio (RI/SW)
Both `sunpy.timeseries.sources.noaa.NOAAIndicesTimeSeries` and
`sunpy.timeseries.sources.noaa.NOAAPredictIndicesTimeSeries` have been updated to
support the new JSON files. Loading the old text files is still supported,
but support for this will be removed in a future version of sunpy. (`4340 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4340>`__)
- Fixed a bug due to which ``sunpy.net.helio.parser.wsdl_retriever`` ignored previously discovered Taverna links. (`4358 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4358>`__)
- The flare class labels in GOES ``peek()`` plots are now drawn at the center of
the flare classes. Previously they were (ambiguously) drawn on the boundaries. (`4364 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4364>`__)
- `sunpy.map.GenericMap.rsun_obs` no longer assumes the observer is at Earth if
``rsun_obs`` was not present in the map metadata. The sun-observer
distance is now taken directly from the observer coordinate. If the observer
coordinate is not present, this defaults to the Earth, retaining previous
behaviour. (`4375 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4375>`__)
- Nanosecond precision is now retained when using `~sunpy.time.parse_time` with
a `~pandas.Timestamp`. (`4409 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4409>`__)
- Fixed a bug where SunPy could not be successfully imported if the default text encoding of the running environment was unable to handle non-ASCII characters. (`4422 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4422>`__)
- `sunpy.net.dataretriever.sources.noaa.SRSClient` now correctly returns zero
results for queries in the future or before 1996, which is when data is first
available. (`4432 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4432>`__)
- Fixes issue where NAXISn is not updated after invoking :meth:`.GenericMap.resample` (`4445 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4445>`__)
- The floating point precision of input to `sunpy.image.transform.affine_transform`
is now preserved. Previously all input was cast to `numpy.float64`, which could
cause large increases in memory use for 32 bit data. (`4452 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4452>`__)
- Fixed :func:`~sunpy.image.transform.affine_transform` to scale images to [0, 1] before
passing them to :func:`skimage.transform.warp` and later rescale them back. (`4477 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4477>`__)
- Several ``warnings.simplefilter('always', Warning)`` warning filters in
`sunpy.timeseries` have been removed. (`4511 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4511>`__)
- All calculations of the angular radius of the Sun now use the same underlying code with the accurate calculation.
The previous inaccuracy was a relative error of ~0.001% (0.01 arcseconds) for an observer at 1 AU, but could be as large as ~0.5% for Parker Solar Probe perihelia. (`4524 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4524>`__)
- Fixed an issue in :meth:`sunpy.time.TimeRange.get_dates` where the function would return the wrong number of days if less than 24 hours had passed (`4529 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4529>`__)
- Several functions in `sunpy.map` now properly check if the provided coordinate is in the expected `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` frame. (`4552 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4552>`__)
- Fixes a bug which occurs in setting the ``ylims`` by ``sunpy.visualization.animator.line.LineAnimator`` when there are non-finite values in the data array to be animated. (`4554 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4554>`__)
- Clear rotation metadata for SOHO/LASCO Helioviewer JPEG2000 images, as they are already rotated correctly. (`4561 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4561>`__)
- The ``max_conn`` argument to ``Fido.fetch()`` is now correctly respected by
the JSOC client. Previously the JSOC client would default to 4 connections no
matter what the value passed to ``Fido.fetch()`` was. (`4567 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4567>`__)
- :func:`sunpy.time.parse_time` now correctly parses lists of time strings that
have one of the built in sunpy time formats. (`4590 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4590>`__)
- Fixes the SRSClient to search for files of correct queried time and now allows a path keyword to be downloaded in fetch. (`4600 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4600>`__)
- Fixed ``sunpy.net.helio.parser.wsdl_retriever``, which previously
ignored discovered Taverna links. (`4601 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4601>`__)
- The transformations between `~astropy.coordinates.HCRS` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` have been re-implemented to enable the proper transformations of velocities.
All ephemeris functions (e.g., :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst`) now return properly calculated velocities when ``include_velocity=True`` is specified. (`4613 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4613>`__)
- The maximum number of connections opened by the JSOC downloader has been reduced
from 4 to 2. This should prevent downloads of large numbers of files crashing. (`4624 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4624>`__)
- Fixed a significant performance bug that affected all coordinate transformations.
Transformations have been sped up by a factor a few. (`4663 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4663>`__)
- Fixed a bug with the mapping of a WCS header to a coordinate frame if the observer location is provided in Carrington coordinates. (`4669 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4669>`__)
- ``sunpy.io.fits.header_to_fits`` now excludes any keys that have associated NaN
values, as these are not valid in a FITS header, and throws a warning if this
happens. (`4676 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4676>`__)
- Fixed an assumption in `sunpy.map.GenericMap.pixel_to_world` that the first
data axis is longitude, and the second is latitude. This will affect you if
you are using data where the x/y axes are latitude/longitude, and now returns
correct values in methods and properties that call ``pixel_to_world``,
such as ``bottom_left_coord``, ``top_right_coord``, ``center``. (`4700 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4700>`__)
- Added a warning when a 2D `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` coordinate is upgraded to a 3D coordinate and the number type is lower precision than the native Python float.
This 2D->3D upgrade is performed internally when transforming a 2D `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` coordinate to any other coordinate frame. (`4724 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4724>`__)
- All columns from a :meth:`sunpy.net.vso.vso.VSOClient.search` will now be shown. (`4788 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4788>`__)
- The search results object returned from ``Fido.search``
(`~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse`) now correctly counts all results in
it's `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse.file_num` property. Note that
because some ``Fido`` clients now return metadata only results, this is really
the number of records and does not always correspond to the number of files
that would be downloaded. (`4798 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4798>`__)
- Improved the file processing logic for EVE L0CS files, which may have fixed a
bug where the first line of data was parsed incorrectly. (`4805 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4805>`__)
- Fixing the ``CROTA`` meta keyword in EUVI FITS to ``CROTAn`` standard. (`4846 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4846>`__)
Added/Improved Documentation
- Added a developer guide for writing a new ``Fido`` client. (`4387 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4387>`__)
- Added an example of how to use Matplotlib's axes range functionality when plotting a Map with WCSAxes. (`4792 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4792>`__)
- Add links to Thompson 2006 paper on solar coordinates to synoptic map example. (`3549 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3549>`__)
- Clarified the meaning of ``.bottom_left_coord`` and ``.top_right_coord`` in
`sunpy.map.GenericMap`. (`3706 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3706>`__)
- Added a list of possible signatures to
`sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData`. (`3709 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3709>`__)
- Added `sunpy.data.manager`, `sunpy.data.cache`, `sunpy.net.Fido`, `sunpy.map.Map`,
and `sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` to the docs. (`4098 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4098>`__)
- Clarified spline option for `sunpy.map.GenericMap.resample`. (`4136 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4136>`__)
- Updated the gallery example :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_plotting_solar_cycle_example.py` to retrieve data using `~sunpy.net.Fido`. (`4169 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4169>`__)
- Fixed example usage of ``sunpy.io.fits.read`` to account for the fact that it returns a list
of data-header pairs rather than the data-header pairs directly. (`4183 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4183>`__)
- Added example of how to create a `sunpy.map.GenericMap` from observations in RA-DEC coordinates. (`4236 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4236>`__)
- Added `sunpy.coordinates.SunPyBaseCoordinateFrame` and `sunpy.coordinates.BaseHeliographic` to the documentation. (`4274 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4274>`__)
- `sunpy.time.TimeRange` had a ``.__contains__`` method and this is now documented. (`4372 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4372>`__)
- Revamped sunpy pull request review developer documentation. (`4378 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4378>`__)
- Revamped sunpy installation documentation. (`4378 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4378>`__)
- Fixed broken documentation links in the guide. (`4414 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4414>`__)
- Fixed miscellaneous links in the API documentation. (`4415 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4415>`__)
- Added `sunpy.data.data_manager.downloader`, `sunpy.data.data_manager.storage`,
and `sunpy.net.hek.HEKTable` to the docs. (`4418 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4418>`__)
- Added documentation for copying Map objects using the copy module's deepcopy method. (`4470 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4470>`__)
- Added information about the :meth:`~sunpy.map.MapSequence.plot` return type. (`4472 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4472>`__)
- Added a gallery example for saving and loading sunpy Maps using asdf. (`4494 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4494>`__)
- Added description for a counter-intuitive section in the :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_differential_rotation_reprojected_map.py` example. (`4548 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4548>`__)
- Added :ref:`sunpy-topic-guide-coordinates-velocities` to explain how to use velocity information in the coordinates framework. (`4610 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4610>`__)
- New gallery example of searching and downloading GOES XRS data (with GOES 15, 16 and 17). (`4686 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4686>`__)
- Created the new gallery example :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_units_and_coordinates_north_offset_frame.py` for `~sunpy.coordinates.NorthOffsetFrame`. (`4709 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4709>`__)
- Added more information on which FITS keywords are used for various `sunpy.map.GenericMap`
properties. (`4717 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4717>`__)
- Improved documentation for :func:`sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.diff_rot`. (`4876 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4876>`__)
Documentation Fixes
- The keyword ``clip_interval`` is now used more extensively in gallery examples when plotting the sample AIA image (e.g., :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_plotting_aia_example.py`). (`4573 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4573>`__)
- Modified :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_plotting_magnetogram_active_regions.py` to use HMI file from sample data instead of downloading it with Fido. (`4598 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4598>`__)
- Removed unnecessary transformations of coordinates prior to plotting them using `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes.plot_coord`. (`4609 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4609>`__)
- Ensure that all attrs are documented and clean the `sunpy.net.hek.attrs`
namespace of non-attr objects. (`4834 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4834>`__)
- Fixed miscellaneous issues with the gallery example :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_map_transformations_reprojection_align_aia_hmi.py`. (`4843 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4843>`__)
- Fixed the display of arguments in the documentation for `~sunpy.net.Fido` attributes (`sunpy.net.attrs`). (`4916 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4916>`__)
Trivial/Internal Changes
- ``Fido.fetch`` now always specifies a ``path=`` argument of type `pathlib.Path`
to the ``fetch`` method of the client. This path will default to the configured
sunpy download dir, will have the user directory expanded, will have the
``{file}`` placeholder and will be tested to ensure that it is writeable. (`4949 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4949>`__)
- Added information on what went wrong when `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs` fails to parse
a FITS header into a WCS. (`4335 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4335>`__)
- Fixed the `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` docstring to be clear about the names of the coordinate components. (`4351 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4351>`__)
- Raise a better error message if trying to load a FITS file that contains only
one dimensional data. (`4426 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4426>`__)
- The following functions in `sunpy.map` have had their performance greatly increased,
with runtimes typically improving by a factor of 20x. This has been achieved by
improving many of the checks so that they only require checking the edge pixels of a
map as opposed to all of the pixels.
- :func:`~sunpy.map.contains_full_disk`
- :func:`~sunpy.map.is_all_off_disk`
- :func:`~sunpy.map.is_all_on_disk`
- :func:`~sunpy.map.contains_limb` (`4463 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4463>`__)
- Improved the output when you print a sunpy Map. (`4464 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4464>`__)
- Creating a `~sunpy.util.MetaDict` with dictionary keys that are not strings now
raises as user-friendly `ValueError` which prints all the non-compliant keys. (`4476 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4476>`__)
- Maps created directly via. `sunpy.map.GenericMap` now have their metadata
automatically converted to a `~sunpy.util.MetaDict`, which is the same current
behaviour of the `sunpy.map.Map` factory. (`4476 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4476>`__)
- If the ``top_right`` corner given to :meth:`sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap` is
below or to the right of the ``bottom_left`` corner, a warning is no longer
raised (as the rectangle is still well defined), but a message is still logged
at the debug level to the sunpy logger. (`4491 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4491>`__)
- Added test support for Python 3.9 (no wheels yet). (`4569 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4569>`__)
- ``sunpy.sun`` functions now make use of the `~astropy.coordinates.GeocentricTrueEcliptic` frame to simplify internal calculations, but the returned values are unchanged. (`4584 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4584>`__)
- Change the format of the time returned from :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_number`
from ``'jd'`` to ``'iso'``, so printing the `~astropy.time.Time` returned will now print an ISO
timestamp instead of the Julian days. (`4819 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4819>`__)
- The listings for the sample data (`sunpy.data.sample`) are now sorted. (`4838 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4838>`__)
- Changed the implementation of a ``hypothesis``-based test so that it does not raise an error with ``hypothesis`` 6.0.0. (`4852 <https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/4852>`__)