- Fixed test failures with numpy developer version.[1808]
- Added ``timeout`` parameter in ``sunpy.data.download_sample_data()``
- Fixed ``aiaprep`` to return properly sized map.
- Deprecation warnings fixed when using image coalignment.
- Sunpy is now Python 3.x compatible (3.4 and 3.5).
- Added a unit check and warnings for map metadata.
- Added IRIS SJI color maps.
- Updated ``show_colormaps()`` with new string filter to show a subset
of color maps.
- Fixed MapCube animations by working around a bug in Astropy's
- Remove ``vso.QueryResponse.num_records()`` in favour of ``len(qr)``
- Add a ``draw_rectangle`` helper to ``GenericMap`` which can plot
rectangles in the native coordinate system of the map.
- Added the ability to shift maps to correct for incorrect map
location, for example.
- Bug fix for RHESSI summary light curve values.
- Mapcube solar derotation and coalignment now pass keywords to the
routine used to shift the images, scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift.
- Add automatic registration of ``GenericMap`` subclasses with the
factory as long as they define an ``is_datasource_for`` method.
- Added functions ``flareclass_to_flux`` and ``flux_to_flareclass``
which convert between GOES flux to GOES class numbers (e.g. X12,
- Removed old ``sunpy.util.goes_flare_class()``
- Bug fix for RHESSI summary light curve values.
- The ``MapCube.as_array`` function now returns a masked numpy array if
at least one of the input maps in the MapCube has a mask.
- Map superpixel method now respects maps that have masks.
- Map superpixel method now accepts numpy functions as an argument, or
any user-defined function.
- Map superpixel method no longer has the restriction that the number
of original pixels in the x (or y) side of the superpixel exactly
divides the number of original pixels in the x (or y) side of the
original map data.
- ``sunpy.physics.transforms`` has been deprecated and the code moved
into ``sunpy.physics``.
- Add the ``sunpy.coordinates`` module, this adds the core physical
solar coordinates frame within the astropy coordinates framework.
- Added ability of maps to draw contours on top of themselves
- Added concatenate functionality to lightcurve base class.
- Fix Map to allow astropy.io.fits Header objects as valid input for
meta arguments.
- Added an examples gallery using ``sphinx-gallery``.
- API clean up to constants. Removed constant() function which is now
replaced by get().
- Prevent helioviewer tests from checking access to the API endpoint
when running tests offline.
- ``GenericMap.units`` is renamed to ``GenericMap.spatial_units`` to
avoid confusion with ``NDData.unit``.
- ``GenericMap`` now has a ``coordinate_frame`` property which returns
an ``astropy.coordinates`` frame with all the meta data from the map
- ``GenericMap`` now has a ``_mpl_axes`` method which allows it to be
specified as a projection to ``matplotlib`` methods and will return a
``WCSAxes`` object with ``WCS`` projection.