- `api.post()` - add `raise_error` parameter to hide connection warnings from log
- add class `AgentInfo`
- add `get_list_available()` method - return list of available to user agents with info about devices and available space
- add `is_ready_for_api_calls()` method
- add `wait_until_ready_for_api_calls()`
- add `GPU_INFO` and `IS_PUBLIC` keys (used in `AgentInfo`)
- add docs for statuses
- add `retries` and `raise_error` parameters to `api.task.send_request()` method
- add flag `IS_RUNNING`
- add endpoint `/is_running`
- upgrade `js_bundle_version` to `v2.1.75`
**`AgentSelector` widget**
- update flags and default parameters values
- add refresh button to update list of currently available agents
**`Card` widget**
- add `remove_padding` parameter
- add style.css
- update html template
**`CustomModelsSelector` widget**
- add new widget
- RadioTable for selecting custom models from team files trained by user
**`Editor` widget**
- add `auto_format` parameter
- update html template
**`NodesFlow` widget**
- add `NODE_REMOVED` route and `node_removed` callback - when clicking `x` on node card
- add init flags for other callbacks in class NodesFlow constructor
- update html template
**`PretrainedModelsSelector` widget**
- add new widget
- RadioTable for selecting pretrained public models
**`ProjectThumbnail` widget**
- fix project preview image url
**`SelectAppSession` widget**
- add refresh button to update list of currently running app sessions
**`TagsTable` widget**
- add new widget
- Checkbox table for selecting/unselecting tags
**add nn/checkpoints**
- add `CheckpointInfo` class
- add methods for listing available custom checkpoints trained by apps from team files
**add `ServingGUI` class to nn/inference/gui**
- allow to seamlessly implement custom GUI for model selection
**update `Inference` class**
- implement ServingGUI support
- implement backward compatibility for InferenceGUI class
- **add methods:**
- initialize_custom_gui()
- update_gui()
- set_params_to_gui()
- get_params_from_gui()
- load_model()
- load_model_meta()
- shutdown_model()
- **add endpoints:**
- add endpoint `/get_deploy_settings`
- add endpoint `/deploy_from_api`
**update `Session` class**
- add method `is_model_deployed()` - checks if model is deployed