* Fix [Issue 92](https://github.com/julien6387/supvisors/issues/92).
The *Master* drives the state of all **Supvisors** instances and a simplified state machine has been assigned
to non-master **Supvisors** instances. The loss of the *Master* instance is managed in all relevant states.
* Fix issue about applications that would be started automatically whereas their `start_sequence` is 0.
The regression has been introduced during the implementation of applications repair in **Supvisors 0.6**.
* Enable stop sequence on *Unmanaged* applications.
* In the Applications navigation menu of the Web UI, add a red light to applications having raised a failure.
* New application rules `distributed` and `addresses` added to the **Supvisors** rules file.
Non-distributed applications have all their processes started on the same node chosen in accordance with the
`addresses` and the `starting_strategy`.
* Add the `starting_strategy` option to the `application` section of the **Supvisors** rules file.
* Fix issue when choosing a node in `Starter`. The starting strategies considers the current load of the nodes
and includes the requests that have not been satisfied yet.
* Fix issue with infinite process restart when the process crashes and `RESTART_PROCESS` is set on the program
in the **Supvisors** rules file. When the process crashes, only the *Supervisor* `autorestart` applies.
The **Supvisors** `RESTART_PROCESS` applies only when the node becomes inactive.
* Fix exception when forcing the state on a process that is unknown to the local Supervisor.
* Promote the `RESTART_PROCESS` into `RESTART_APPLICATION` if the application is stopped.
* For the *Master* election, give a priority to nodes declared in the `forced_synchro_if` option if used.
* When using the `forced_synchro_if` option and when `auto_fence` is activated, do not isolate nodes as long as
`synchro_timeout` has not passed.
* In the `INITALIZATION` state, skip the synchronization phase upon notification of a known *Master* and adopt it.
* Add reciprocity to isolation even if `auto_fence` is not activated.
* In the process description of the Web UI Application page, add information about the node name.
In particular, it is useful to know where the process was running when it is stopped.
* Start adding use cases to documentation, inspired by real examples.
'Scenario 1' has been added.