* Migration to **Python 3.6**.
Versions of dependencies are refreshed, more particularly **Supervisor 4.2.1**.
* CSS of Web UI updated / simplified.
* New action added to Host Process page of WebUI: `tail -f stderr` button.
* New information actions added to Application page of WebUI:
* `description` field.
* `clear logs`, `tail -f stdout`, `tail -f stderr` buttons.
* Fix [Issue 75](https://github.com/julien6387/supvisors/issues/75).
**Supvisors** takes into account the `username` and the `password` of `inet_http_server` in the `supervisord` section.
* Fix [Issue 17](https://github.com/julien6387/supvisors/issues/17).
The user selections on the web UI are passed to the URL.
* Fix [Issue 72](https://github.com/julien6387/supvisors/issues/72).
The extra arguments are shared between all **Supvisors** instances.
* `README.rst` replaced with `README.md`.
* Coverage improved in tests.
* Docs target added to Travis-CI.