* Introduce the notion of *IRV-immune candidate*. A candidate `w` is IRV-immune iff in any subset of candidates
containing `w`, the plurality score of `w` is more than `n_v / card(subset)`. This implies that in IRV (and most
related rules), `w` is the winner and CM is impossible.
* Add ``Profile.exists_irv_immune_candidate``: whether there exists an IRV-immune candidate.
* Add ``Profile.c_might_be_there_when_cw_is_eliminated_irv_style``: whether a candidate `c` might be present in a
round where the Condorcet winner is eliminated, IRV-style. In IRV (and most related rules), this condition is
necessary to be able to cast CM in favor of `c`.
* Use the above mentioned notions to improve the CM algorithm of ``RuleCondorcetAbsIRV``, ``RuleCondorcetVtbIRV``,
``RuleExhaustiveBallot``, ``RuleICRV``, ``RuleIRV``, ``RuleIRVAverage``, ``RuleSmithIRV``, ``RuleTideman`` and
* Add a UM precheck before CM in ``RuleSmithIRV``, ``RuleTideman`` and ``RuleWoodall``.