* New CM algorithms for Smith-IRV-like rules:
* New CM algorithms for ``RuleICRV``, ``RuleSmithIRV``, ``RuleTideman``, ``RuleWoodall`` and ``RuleIRVAverage``.
* Add ``RuleIRV.example_ballots_cm_c_`` and ``RuleIRV.example_ballots_cm_w_against_``: examples of manipulating ballots
(used as heuristic to manipulate Smith-IRV and similar rules).
* In ``RuleCondorcetAbsIRV`` and ``RuleCondorcetVtbIRV``, the former option ``almost_exact`` is renamed to
``very_slow``, for the sake of consistency with Smith-IRV and similar voting rules.
* Improve imports/exports:
* ``ProfileFromFile`` can now import a CVR (cast vote record) file.
* ``ProfileFromFile`` has a new parameter ``sort_candidates``: sort the candidates from strongest to weakest (in a
Black method sense).
* Add ``Profile.to_csv``: export the utilities to a csv file.
* Add ``Rule.options``: a dictionary with all the options of a rule.
* Bug fixes:
* Fix a major bug in ``RuleTideman``: ballots were not counted correctly.
* Fix a bug in ``RuleExhaustiveBallot`` and ``RuleIRV``: applying a voting rule to a profile was able to change the
options of another (related) rule.