What's Changed
* Improvements to documentation. In particular, ReadTheDocs now shows pictures generated with ``PlotlyBackend``, ``K3DBackend`` as well as interactive plots with widgets.
* Default settings:
* Changed ``cgf["interactive"]["theme"]`` to ``"light"``: interactive plots served on a new browser window will use a light theme.
* Changed ``cgf["bokeh"]["update_event"]`` to ``False``: Bokeh won't update the plot with new data as dragging or zooming operations are performed.
* Added new option ``cgf["k3d"]["camera_mode"]``.
* Improvements to ``MatplotlibBackend``:
* Added label capability to ``plot_implicit``.
* ``show()`` method now accepts keyword arguments. This is useful to detach the plot from a non-interactive console.
* Added ``dots`` keyword argument to ``plot_piecewise`` to choose whether to show circular markers on endpoints.
* Fixed bug with plotting 3D vectors.