What's Changed
* Replaced the ``line_kw``, ``surface_kw``, ``image_kw``, ``fill_kw`` keyword arguments with ``rendering_kw``. This simplifies the usage between different plotting functions.
* Plot functions now accepts a new argument: ``rendering_kw``, a dictionary of options that will be passed directly to the backend to customize the appearance. In particular:
* Possibility to plot and customize multiple expressions with a single function call. For example, for line plots:
(expr1, range1 [opt], label1 [opt], rendering_kw1 [opt]),
(expr2, range2 [opt], label2 [opt], rendering_kw2 [opt]),
* Possibility to achieve the same result using the ``label`` and ``rendering_kw`` keyword arguments by providing lists of elements (one element for each expression). For example, for line plots:
plot(expr1, expr2, range [opt],
label=["label1", "label2"],
rendering_kw=[dict(...), dict(...)],
* Interactive submodule:
* Fixed bug with ``spb.interactive.create_widgets``.
* Integration of the interactive-widget plot ``iplot`` into the most important plotting functions. To activate the interactive-widget plot users need to provide the ``params`` dictionary to the plotting function. For example, to create a line interactive-widget plot:
plot(cos(u * x), (x, -5, 5), params={u: (1, 0, 2)})
* Series:
* Fixed a bug with line series when plotting complex-related function with ``adaptive=False``.
* Fixed bug with ``lambdify`` and ``modules="sympy"``.
* Fixed bug with the number of discretization points of vector series.
* Enabled support for Python's built-in ``sum()`` function, which can now be used to combine multiple plots.
* Backends:
* Fixed a bug with ``MatplotlibBackend`` and string-valued color maps.
* Fixed a bug with ``BokehBackend`` about the update of quivers color when using ``iplot``.
* Updated tutorials and documentation.