* Update CLI image to use python:3.7 base. Bump version string in image ENV
* Updated usage docs. Rebuilt and reformatted all RST docs
* Implemented actors execs stop which maps to actors.deleteMessages(). Closes 255
* Closes 316 - 40x errors now surface correctly
* Bumped AgavePy to 1.0.0a11
* YAPF formatting
* Actor name and output directory must now be specified as options in 'actors init' workflow
* Fixed merge
* Closes 355 Bearer is only passed if not None, fixing the use of Nonces by direct clients
* Fixed issue where users could provide invalid boolean to 'tapis config set' and end up locked out of the CLI without hand-editing the .env file
* Update docs with CICD use case changes documented
* It is now possible to specifi --client-name to tapis auth init to manually name and manage a client
* Allow bypassing first-run workflow by setting TAPIS\_CLI\_NO\_PROMPT=1
* Fix empty environment, job, git, grants sections when reading from rc file
* Closes 354 It is not possible to fix the empty profile issue under Tapis v2, but at least the CLI now warns the user that certain variables were not resolved
* It is not possible to fix the empty profile issue under Tapis v2, but at least the CLI now warns the user that certain variables were not resolved
* adding actors init command
* Force docker config to populate even if not building or pushing container
* Testing temp fix
* Apps and actors deploy now properly reads [docker] organization, namespace, and username, which have all been used at some point in building 'deploy' tooling
* Now possible to disable git and registry configs when running auth init. Closes 352
* Documented apps init
* Working implementation of 'apps init' with support for listing templates
* Added support for apps init as per 350
* Working on it.
* Implemented [docker]registry field in ini file. Added support to 'actors deploy' for it. Fixed a couple of errors in 'actors deploy' where empty [docker] fields should not have been allowed
* Swapped actor and alias ID for 'tapis actors aliases create'
* Added better code documentation. Added support for [environment] stanza in actors deploy workflow. Disable push when not building a new container in actors deploy
* Bumped changelog
* Added support for REACTOR\_CRON\_SCHEDULE and REACTOR\_CRON\_ON to reactor.rc file format
* Can confirm cron features (and, incidentally use\_container\_uid) can be specified in project.ini
* Implemented create/update for cron features
* Added slots for cron features from Abaco 1.7
* Fix SSH key parsing
* SystemsUpdate can overwrite JSON creds from command line options
* 1) changed FILES\_UUID to JOBS\_UUID in jobs output 2) changed syntax to supress warnings
* Added support for aliases update workflow. Closes 331
* Closes 332 - Replace direct usage of slugify.slugify with a utilsslugify, a shim that supports any of the three Python slugify packages
* remove strftime(%s) for getting the current time in "epoch" format because it is not supported on Windows