* CSS: remove space after function in property value; `margin:calc(10px) calc(20px)` => `margin:calc(10px)calc(20px)`
* SVG: parse `A` path command correctly when the booleans `largeArc` and `sweep` are not separated by a space, such as in `A10 10 0 0120 0` which is equivalent to `A10 10 0 0 1 20 0`
* SVG bugfix: make sure we are processing a valid path command
* SVG bugfix: prevent panic when having insufficient path arguments
* cmd: surpress error when minifying empty directory
* HTML: only minify attributes for known HTML5 tags, fixes 270
* HTML, XML, SVG: minify entities with parse2.3.13 such as: `" => "`, `&34; => "`, `&x22; => "`, `’ => ’`, `&x270F; => &9999;`.