**Important: default mimetype for JavaScript is now `application/javascript` (it used to be `text/javascript`).**
- HTML bugfix: keep empty `value` attribute on `<input type="radio">`, because the default is not an empty string
- HTML bugfix: prevent IE conditional comments from panicking in some instances
- CSS: handle `local()` for URLs
- CSS: support `rgb()` and `hsl()` with spaces instead of commas
- CSS: improve minification for `font`, `background`, `background-position`, `background-repeat`, `background-size`, `outline` and `border` declarations
- CSS: reintroduce support for IE star-declaration hack
- CSS bugfix: `margin` and `padding` now check if values that are functions (such as `calc()`) are equal and thus eligible for collapsing
- CSS bugfix: parse bad declarations better
- CSS bugfix: add space for attribute selector case insensitivity between the value and `i` as in `input[type="radio" i]`
- CSS bugfix: do not collapse `outline` to `0` but to `none`
- CSS bugfix: opacity for `rgba()` and `hsla()` in CSS2 cannot be rewritten as `rrggbbaa`
- SVG bugfix: only use the first pair of coordinates for `M` to move back to when encountering `Z`