
Latest version: v24.0.2

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Release Notes

The 0.0.9 release of tedana includes a large number of changes over the previous stable release.
This release contains a number of breaking, fixing, and useful changes. As always, we encourage users to review our documentation (at tedana.readthedocs.io) which now includes more information theoretical background for multi-echo, acquisition-related guidance, and documentation for our :sparkles: new interactive reports. :sparkles:

The complete changelog since the last alpha release is included below. Here, we briefly summarize the significant changes since our last stable release.

:wrench: Breaking changes
- We have updated our adaptive mask calculation between the t2smap and tedana workflows. t2smap will now use all voxels that have signal in at least one echo in the optimal combination, while tedana will use those voxels that have signal in at least three echos and so can be used in echo-dependent denoising. This change will facilitate integration into larger processing workflows such as fMRIPrep.
- We have added an internal check for whether any BOLD components are identified and--if not--set the ICA to automatically re-run for a limited number of iterations.
- Log files are now by datetime, allowing multiple runs to have systematic naming.
- Filenames for decomposition and metric maps are now BIDS derivative-compatible. Please see documentation for the full list of new filenames.
- Component tables are now in .json format.
- Changed tab-separated files from .txt to .tsv file extension.
- The --sourceTEs option has been removed.
- T2* maps are now in seconds rather than milliseconds.
- The --tedpca mle option has been removed.
- The --gscontrol option "T1c" is now "mir" for minimum image regression.
- For the "--manacc" option, you should supply a list of integers instead of a comma-separated string.

:sparkles: Enhancements
- We have introduced interactive reports for better accessing and understanding component classification. A guide to interpreting the new reports is available here: https://tedana.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reporting.html
- A previously collected quantitative T2* map (in seconds) can now optionally be supplied directly. If provided, this information will be used to guide the optimal combination, rather than estimating the T2* map directly from the echo data.
- Files are now gzipped by default to save disk space.
- Adds the --out_dir argument to t2smap workflow to choose what directory files are written to.
- The t2smap workflow is now fmriprep compatible.

:bug: Bug fixes
- The default PCA method has been updated to follow Calhoun et al. (2001, Hum. Brain Map.). This avoids a known error where too many PCA components would be selected.
- We have added a flooring procedure for T2* map calculations to prevent divide-by-zero errors during optimal combination.
- Environments are not coerced to single-threaded computation after calling tedana.
- Fixed variance-explained outlier detection problem where first value was always NaN and variance explained was always negative.
- Fixed component table loading bug that resulted from unexpected pandas behavior.
- Fixed bug where the wrong number of echoes would be allocated in-program.
- Fixed bug where only selecting one component would cause an error.
- Correctly incorporate user-supplied masks in T2* workflow.
- Fixed bug in PAID combination where mean of data would be used instead of SNR.

Changes since last alpha release

- [MAINT] Support Windows' paths; Update zenodo & contributor count (672) notZaki
- [FIX] Normalize data to zero mean and unit variance before dimension estimation (636) notZaki
- Move long description logic from info.py to setup.py (670) notZaki
- [MAINT] Add new contributors to Zenodo file (671) tsalo
- [DOC] Starts contribution page (624) jbteves
- [REF] Replaces master with main where possible (667) jbteves
- [ENH] Allow tedpca argument to be a float inside a string (665) notZaki
- [ENH] Add ability to re-run ICA when no BOLD components are found (663) tsalo
- [ENH] Add threshold argument to make_adaptive_mask (635) tsalo
- [REF] Replace deprecated get_data with get_fdata (664) notZaki
- docs: add notZaki as a contributor (661) allcontributors
- [DOC] Clarify role of components in docs (660) notZaki
- [ENH] Implement variance explained threshold-based PCA option (658) tsalo
- [DOC] Log count of floored voxels in T2* estimation (656) tsalo
- [DOC] Add NeuroStars question link (651) tsalo
- [FIX] Eliminate duplicate lines in logs (645) tsalo
- [DOC] Add docstring to fit_loglinear (646) tsalo
- [FIX] Show logs in re-runs (637) notZaki
- [DOC] Governance update (615) handwerkerd
- docs: add notZaki as a contributor (630) allcontributors
- [TST] Allow CI for all-contributors (627) jbteves
- [ENH] Add diagonal reference line to kappa/rho plot (625) notZaki
- [MAINT] Add all contributors to Zenodo file (614) tsalo
- docs: add smoia as a contributor (616) allcontributors
- [REF] Rename T1c to "minimum image regression" (609) tsalo
- [DOC] Reporting documentation (465) javiergcas
- [DOC] Rewrite new PCA section (613) eurunuela
- docs: add aykhojandi as a contributor (610) allcontributors
- [DOC] Added link for tedana NeuroStars tag. (608) aykhojandi
- [DOC] Miscellaneous improvements to documentation (575) tsalo
- [ENH] Use list of ints for manacc instead of comma-separated string (598) tsalo
- [DOC] Use README as long_desc (595) emdupre
- [MAINT] Add workflow to autodeploy to PyPi (568) tsalo
- [TST] Show logging output during integration tests (588) tsalo
- [FIX] Add non-zero floor to T2* values (585) tsalo
- docs: add mvaziri as a contributor (587) allcontributors
- [DOC] Include [all] in developer setup install guidelines (572) tsalo
- [DOC] multi-echo reports (457) emdupre
- docs: add mjversluis as a contributor (580) allcontributors
- Update acquisition.rst to include information for Philips scanners (579) mjversluis


Release Notes

Hot-fix release to correctly generate optimal combination files in the t2smap workflow.


- [FIX] Fix t2smap optimal combination (566)

Thanks to tsalo for this patch.


This release contains a number of breaking, fixing, and useful changes.
We encourage users to review our heavily expanded documentation at

Bug Fixes:
- PCA has been overhauled to a new and more reliable method, averting a known
bug where too many PCA components would be selected.
- Environments are not coerced to single-threaded computation after calling
- Fixed variance-explained outlier detection problem where first value was
always NaN and variance explained was always negative.
- Fixed component table loading bug that resulted from unexpected pandas
- Fixed bug where the wrong number of echoes would be allocated in-program.
- Fixed bug where only selecting one component would cause an error.
- Correctly incorporate user-supplied masks in T2* workflow.
- Fixed bug in PAID combination where mean of data would be used instead of SNR.

Breaking Changes:
- Log files are now by datetime, allowing multiple runs to have systematic
- Filenames for decomposition and metric maps are now BIDS
derivative-compatible. Please see documentation for the full list of new
- Component tables are now in .json format
- Changed tab-separated files from .txt to .tsv file extension.
- Removed the --sourceTEs option.
- T2* maps are now in seconds rather than milliseconds.
- --mle option is now deprecated.

Changes in Defaults:
- New PCA algorithm is default, please see documentation for more information.
- Clustering is now bi-sided rather than two sided (positive and negative
clusters are now grouped separately).
- Static png images are now the default; use --nopng to avoid this.
- Files are now gzipped by default.

New Features:
- Massively expanded documentation, please see tedana.readthedocs.io to view
the updated usage help, multi-echo background, developer guidelines, and
API documentation.
- New PCA decomposition algorithm (default).
- Adds the --out_dir argument to t2smap workflow to choose what directory files are written
- t2smap workflow is now fmriprep compatible
- Added --t2smap argument to allow you to supply a precalculated T2* map.

Thanks to Logan Dowdle, Elizabeth DuPre, Cesar Caballero Gaudes, Dan
Handwerker, Ross Markello, Isla, Joshua Teves, Eneko Urunuela,
Kirstie Whitaker, and to the NIH Section on Functional Imaging Methods
for supporting the tedana hackathon and the NIH for supporting the AFNI Code Convergence, where much of the work in this release was done.


Release Notes
This long overdue release concentrates on adding testing, and improving documentation. Major changes include:

- Generating workflow descriptions for each run
- Streamline circleCI workflow
- Reducing memory usage

Thanks to all listed contributors, as well as to many not listed here !


* [ENH] Adding monoexponential curve fit (409) dowdlelt
* Fit to each subset of echoes and fit to all data (not mean). (8) tsalo
* [ENH] Stop writing __meica_mix.1D (406) frodeaa
* docs: add benoitberanger as a contributor (398) allcontributors
* [ENH] --debug flag appear now in the help & documentation (385) benoitberanger
* MAINT: Update numpy and Python requirements (397) effigies
* [FIX][ENH][TST] Adds datetime logfile and removes it from outputs, fixes stream handling (391) jbteves
* [FIX][TST] Adds curl installation where needed (390) jbteves
* docs: add monicayao as a contributor (389) allcontributors
* [TST] Add smoke tests to io.py and viz.py (380) monicayao
* [TST] Additional smoke tests for stats.py (386) monicayao
* [TST] Additional smoke tests for utils.py (377) monicayao
* Update to sync (4) monicayao
* [DOC] Allows small doc patches (374) jbteves
* [DOC] Update CONTRIBUTING and README with developer installation, contributing and testing instructions (375) jsheunis
* docs: add jsheunis as a contributor (381) allcontributors
* Sync new changes (6) dowdlelt
* [TST] New smoke tests for functions in decay.py (367) monicayao
* Update 3 (3) monicayao
* [FIX, TST] Fix CodeCov report upload (371) tsalo
* [TST] Streamline CircleCI workflow (368) tsalo
* [DOC] Fix links and sizes in approach documentation (369) tsalo
* [DOC] Update to automatically update copyright year (366) monicayao
* Update (2) monicayao
* [FIX] Use PCA-based variance explained in PCA decision tree (364) tsalo
* [DOC, ENH] Generate workflow description for each run (349) tsalo
* [DOC] Walk through TE-dependence in more detail (354) tsalo
* [ENH, REF] Reduce memory requirements for metric calculation and PCA (345) tsalo
* [doc] Add poster from OHBM 2019 meeting, fix RTD (340) emdupre
* Multi-echo background documentation edits (351) handwerkerd
* [DOC] Fix small typos in multi-echo.rst documentation (348) jsheunis
* update (1) monicayao
* [DOC] Add newsletter to README file & RTD homepage (342) KirstieJane
* [FIX] Add TR checking and user option (333) jbteves
* [DOC] Adding recommendations into multi-echo.rst (341) handwerkerd
* [DOC] Clean up approach page (337) tsalo
* [DOC] Corrects doc after refactor (324) jbteves
* [REF] Gets rid of mask argument in tedana.fit.dependence_metrics (326) jbteves
* [FIX] Modifies three-echo dataset url to new location (329) jbteves
* [REF] Changes model module -> metrics module (325) jbteves
* docs: add tsalo as a contributor (323) allcontributors
* docs: add tsalo as a contributor (322) allcontributors
* [DOC] Updates CONTRIBUTING to reflect contribution spec and bot (309) jbteves
* docs: add tsalo as a contributor (321) allcontributors
* docs: add monicayao as a contributor (319) allcontributors
* [DOC] Addition to the multi-echo fMRI section to include more background (314) monicayao
* [DOC] Update homepage > "about tedana" to redirect readers to relevant page (313) monicayao
* [DOC] Adds 'quick start' guidelines for new contributors (293) jbteves
* [DOC] Requests no Draft PRs in CONTRIBUTING (296) jbteves
* [DOC] Update Visual Reports Documentation (311) dowdlelt
* [FIX] Add early escape from TEDICA decision tree (298) tsalo
* update fork (5) dowdlelt
* docs: add emdupre as a contributor (307) allcontributors
* docs: add javiergcas as a contributor (306) allcontributors
* docs: add prantikk as a contributor (305) allcontributors
* docs: add rmarkello as a contributor (304) allcontributors
* docs: add dowdlelt as a contributor (303) allcontributors
* docs: add handwerkerd as a contributor (302) allcontributors
* docs: add tsalo as a contributor (301) allcontributors
* docs: add KirstieJane as a contributor (300) allcontributors
* docs: add jbteves as a contributor (299) allcontributors
* [REF] Create new stats module (273) tsalo
* [FIX] Sort comptable by varex before identifying outlier components (295) tsalo
* [REF] Reorganize selcomps and fitmodels_direct (266) tsalo
* [DOC] Updates copyright year (291) jbteves
* [ENH] Adds static logging filename (280) jbteves
* [DOC] Add Paused label description to CONTRIBUTING (278) jbteves
* [DOC] Adds information on why we use multi-echo (288) emdupre
* [DOC] Changes source->conda for env (de)activate (286) jbteves
* [DOC] Add stale issue policy to CONTRIBUTING (279) jbteves
* Update multi-echo.rst (284) handwerkerd
* [DOC] Fixes Random Seed Help Text (281) jbteves
* [REF, DOC] Document and refactor selcomps (262) tsalo
* [ENH] Improve manual component selection (263) tsalo
* [REF] Split eigendecomp into ICA and PCA files (265) tsalo


Release Notes

This release concentrates on improving performance and interpretability of tedana processing. Major changes include:

- Add options to control ICA attempts
- Implement automatric masking when no explicit masking provided
- Initial visual reports
- Speed up cluster-extent thresholding

Thanks to all listed contributors, as well as to many not listed here (jbteves handwerkerd javiergcas) !


* [STY] Consolidate linter settings and ignore some style warnings (216) tsalo
* [ENH] Limit tedana to one core (215) tsalo
* [ENH] Add options to control ICA attempts (224) tsalo
* [REF] Clean up outdated/unused functions (227) tsalo
* [ENH] Automatically use Nilearn's EPI mask when no explicit mask is provided (226) tsalo
* [ENH] Adding simple figure output (208) dowdlelt
* [FIX] Normalize PCA mixing matrix over time, not component (228) tsalo
* [FIX] Remove WVPCA support (233) tsalo
* [FIX] scatter plot labeling issue. (235) dowdlelt
* [ENH] Update Figure Generation Code (236) dowdlelt
* [FIX, DOC] Use countnoise in decision table within selcomps (238) tsalo
* [REF] Add gscontrol module (240) tsalo
* [FIX] center component map at zero (241) dowdlelt
* [FIX] Make figures using un-orthogonalized mixing matrix (246) tsalo
* [REF] Clean up comptable handling in tedana.io (242) tsalo
* [ENH] Speed up cluster-extent thresholding function (239) tsalo
* [FIX] Fix use of d_table_score (260) tsalo
* [REF, DOC] Document PAID combination method (264) tsalo
* [DOC] Add dev calls to contributing guidelines (271) KirstieJane


Release Notes
We had several major changes this release, including:
- Changes PCA default component selection to `MLE`, with previous decision tree accessible through `kundu_pca` argument
- Adds verbose outputs for visualization and debugging
- Addition of `tedort` argument
- Bug fix for user-defined mask with poor signal

Improved documentation, logging, and issue templates also added.

With thanks to dowdlelt, jbteves, katrinleinweber, KirstieJane, and tsalo !


* Hyperlink DOIs to preferred resolver (165) katrinleinweber
* [REF] Replace hard-coded F-statistic thresholds with scipy.stats function call (156) tsalo
* [FIX] Include ignored components in ME-DN T1c time series (125) tsalo
* [REF] Remove unused arguments and simplify CLI (163) tsalo
* [DOC] Add FAQ and link to ME papers spreadsheet (160) tsalo
* [DOC] Improve logging (167) tsalo
* [FIX] Reduce user-defined mask when there is no good signal (172) tsalo
* [ENH] Add tedort argument to tedana workflow (155) tsalo
* [ENH] Split automatic dimensionality detection from decision tree in TEDPCA (164) tsalo
* [ENH] Add verbose outputs for pipeline walkthrough (174) tsalo
* [fix] update python version support in README (182) emdupre
* [DOC] Fix eimask logging, ste definitions in eigendecomp (184) dowdlelt
* [DOC] Fix arg parser (195) dowdlelt
* Fix broken link to code of conduct (198) KirstieJane
* [DOC] Add tedana development setup instructions (197) jbteves
* Corrects README.md to show correct conda and pip instructions (205) jbteves
* [FIX] Propagate TR to ref_image header (207) dowdlelt
* [FIX] Do not use minimum mask for OC data in tedpca (204) tsalo
* [ENH] Adds issue templates for bugs and discussions (189) jbteves
* [ENH] Normalize all the line endings (191) jbteves

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