
Latest version: v1.24.2

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New Features:

- Support new label types: **SemanticMask**, **InstanceMask** and **PanopticMask** (854, 915, 917, 918, 924, 954, 957)

Interface Adjustments:

- Remove the `loads` method for `DataBase`, `Data` and `AuthData` (900)
- Add `get_callback_body` method to replace `dumps` in `Data` (902)
- Add `from_response_body` method to replace `loads` in `RemoteData` & `Frame` (903)


- Add `FileMixin` and `RemoteFileMixin` for file-related methods (899)
- Support setting custom loader and dumper in `AttrsMixin` (910)


- Add docs about `SemanticMask`, `InstanceMask` and `PanopticMask` (943, 951, 961)


New Features:

- Support new label types **Polygon** and **Polyline2D**, add five label formats:
- `Polygon` + `MultiPolygon` + `RLE` (822, 824, 832, 840)
- `Polyline2D` + `MultiPolyline2D` (802, 821)

- Add the following open dataset loaders:
- `VOC2012Detection` (830, 844, 857)
- `VOC2012ActionClassification` (837, 842, 857)
- `CCPD` & `CCPDGreen` (850)

- Add name conflict check for `SortedNameList` (883)

- Support setting network request config (`is_internal`, `max_retries`, and `timeout`) in CLI `gas config` (836)
- Support validating the AccessKey and displaying the user info in CLI `gas auth` (848)
- Add `--status` option for CLI `gas auth` to display the user and auth info (855)
- Support displaying error messages for CLI `gas auth` (856)
- Add `-l` option for CLI `gas ls` to show the total number of resources (864)
- Add `--all` option for CLI `gas log` to show the commits in all branches (829)
- Add `--graph` option for CLI `gas log` to show the graphical commits (874)
- Set `-h` as an abbreviation of `--help` to show CLI help messages (880)

Interface Adjustments:

- Remove the `path` argument in `GAS.create_auth_dataset` because the `path` is bound to the cloud storage config (919)

Bug Fixes:

- Add a workaround for the issue Chinese characters display garbled in Windows system (906)


- Use list comprehension in `PointList2D.__init__` instead of for-loop (841)
- Set `None` as the default value of the argument `alias` in `GAS.update_dataset` (870)
- Correct the illegal remote paths for `RP2K` dataset loader (871)
- Encapsulate the moving segment logic into `DatasetClientBase._move_segment` (879)
- Move the deprecation related classes into `deprecated.py` (878)
- Stop showing the redundant field `name` in `AttributeInfo .__repr__` (887)
- Cleanup the following useless codes:
- Remove the useless class variable `_label_attrs` from label related classes (843)
- Remove the useless class `SubcatalogTypeRegister` (847)
- Remove the useless class `LabelType` (849)
- Remove the useless type `Subcatalogs` (853)


- Add docs about "Shell Completion" in the "CLI" section (873, 886)
- Add docs about new label formats **Polygon** and **Polyline2D** (884)
- Add docs about setting network request config in CLI `gas config` (907)
- Add docs about `--all` and `--graph` options in CLI `gas log` (909)
- Fix the typo in docs (845)
- Refine the docs (866)


New Features:

- Support `override` and `skip` strategies in `SegmentClient.move_data` (819)
- Add `GAS.get_user` to get the current user info (808)
- Support manipulating dataset alias:
- Support getting the dataset alias in `GAS.get_dataset` (810)
- Support setting the dataset alias in `GAS.create_dataset` (812)
- Add `GAS.update_dataset` to update the dataset alias (813)

- Support setting and showing `description` in CLI `gas draft` (803)
- Add `--edit` option in CLI `gas draft` to edit a draft (805)
- Add `--close` option in CLI `gas draft` to close a draft (811)
- Add draft description to the pop-up editor of `gas commit` as default message (815)
- Display the corresponding message after deleting data or a segment in `gas rm` (859)

Interface Adjustments:

- Change the signature of `Transform3D.set_rotation` and `Sensor.set_rotation` (881)


- Unify the `description` display logic in `gas draft` and `gas commit` (817)
- Set the file name as `""` when posting files to cloud storage (858)
- Add utility function `chunked` to break an iterable into length n tuples (876)
- Set the minimum version of `urllib3` back to v1.15 (867)


- Speed up file uploads for fusion dataset in `GAS.upload_dataset` by adapting OpenAPI `multiCallback` (804)
- Speed up file uploads by sending file size to TensorBay (862)
- Speed up file uploads by enlarging the batch size of `multiCallback` (882)


- Add the docs about `--edit` and `--close` option in CLI `gas draft` (827)
- Add the docs about CLI "Profile" (781)
- Refine the docs (791, 783, 861, 890)
- Fix the typo in docstrings (801, 818, 888)


- Remove the default value of the argument `title` in `VersionControlClient.create_draft` (820)
- Remove the deprecated message about setting AccessKey in `gas config` (839)


Bug fixes:

- Fix CLI `gas log --oneline` that displays all commits in oneline (835)


- Replace `-t` with `-m` in the docs of CLI `gas draft` (828)
- Add details about `strategy` in the docs of copy and move operations (831)
- Fix the `Synopsis` section display error in CLI `gas commit --help` (833)
- Use batch move in the example code of moving data instead of one by one (834)


New Features:

- Add `Data.get_url` to get the `file://` url for a local file (789)

- Support more operations on draft:
- Add `status` and `description` to the `Draft` class (796)
- Add `VersionControlClient.update_draft` to update `title` and `description` of a draft (793)
- Add `VersionControlClient.close_draft` to close a draft (793)
- Support setting `description` in `VesionControlClient.create_draft` (799)

- Add `--message` option in CLI `gas draft` to set `title` and `description` of a draft (735)

- Add `SegmentClient.list_urls` and `FusionSegmentClient.list_urls` to list the file urls (807)

- Add the following open dataset loaders:
- `UAVDT` (723)
- `CACD` (728)
- `AADB` (712)
- `COVID_CT` (784)

Bug fixes:

- Fix the `ImportError` when `import tensorbay` in python 3.6 (814)


- Add `shorten` function to get the short commit ID (755)
- Merge the `CLASSIFICATION` label into `BOX2D` label in the `CompCars` open dataset (780)
- Remove useless `DatasetClient.import_all_files` interface (790)
- Correct the illegal segment names in all the open dataset loaders (794)
- Move customized `click` classes from `cli/cli.py` to `cli/custom.py` (797)
- Stop showing the `description` in `Commit.__repr__` (800)
- Exclude useless `docs` and `tests` modules from the `tensorbay` package (826)


- Speed up file uploads in `GAS.upload_dataset` by adapting OpenAPI `multiCallback` (788)
- Enhance the performance of `RemoteData.open` by batch requesting file urls (809)


- Add `Synopsis` section to CLI `--help` message (746)
- Refine the CLI docs (743, 745)


- Deprecate the `--title` option in CLI `gas draft` (735)
- Remove the deprecated CLI `gas create` and `gas delete` (786)
- Remove the deprecated exception `CommitStatusError` (787)


New Features:

- Support copying and moving data and segment (748, 753, 777)
- Add `DatasetClient.move_segment` and `FusionDatasetClient.move_segment` (753)
- Add `DatasetClient.copy_segment` and `FusionDatasetClient.copy_segment` (757)
- Add `SegmentClient.copy_data` (762)
- Add `SegmentClient.move_data` (766)

- Support importing data from auth cloud storage (747, 768, 769, 770)
- Add `AuthData.open` and `CloudClient.list_auth_data` (763, 773)
- Add `SegmentClient.import_auth_data` (760)
- Support dataset with `AuthData` in `GAS.upload_dataset` (774)

- Add special error messages to all attrs in `Label` and `Catalog` when the attr does not exist (731)

- Add `gas auth` command to authenticate, list and unset TensorBay account (672, 681, 684, 693)
- Support listing and unsetting config in `gas config` command (695, 697)
- The CLI config file format is updated to support multiple profiles better (638)

- Add `Vector.__abs__` to get the 2-norm of a vector (674)
- Add the following basic arithmetic methods for `Vector`: (673)
- `Vector.__sub__`
- `Vector.__rsub__`
- `Vector.__mul__`
- `Vector.__rmul__`
- `Vector.__truediv__`
- `Vector.__floordiv__`

- Add `__contains__` method for the following `Sequence` subclasses (707, 708):
- `UserSequence`
- `NameList`
- `SortedNameList`
- `DatasetBase`

- Add `__eq__` method for `UserSequence` and `UserMapping` (719, 726)
- Add `__reversed__` method for `UserSequence` (727)

Bug fixes:

- Fix the issue that `.png` files are all missing in `RP2K` open dataset loader (714)

Interface adjustment:

- Use `NameSortedList` in `Sensors` to replace `NameSortedDict` (704)
- Rename `NamedList` to `NameList` and `NameSortedList` to `SortedNameList` (706)


- Move lazy evaluation related code to `client/lazy.py` (688)
- Use `bisect` in `NameSortedList` to replace `SortedDict` (703)
- Remove `sortedcontainers` from dependancies (705)
- Group version control methods from `DatasetClientBase` into `VersionControlClient` (750)


- Enhance the performance of the following methods: (675)
- `Polyline2D.uniform_frechet_distance`
- `Polyline2D.similarity`
- Override `PagingList` mixin methods inherited from `MutableSequence` to enhance its performance (686)


- Add docs about copying and moving data and segment (761, 765)
- Add docs about importing data from auth cloud storage (756)
- Add docs about `gas auth` and `gas config` (696, 702)
- Fix typos in docs (679)
- Refine the docs (700, 736, 725, 754)


- The setting access key feature in CLI `gas config` is deprecated, please use `gas auth` (689)
- Remove the deprecated method `get_segment_by_name` (698)

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