- Fix bug that raised a ``RuntimeError`` when executing methods that delegate to ``pattern.en`` (:issue:`230`). Thanks :user:`vvaezian` for the report and thanks :user:`danong` for the fix. - Fix methods of ``WordList`` that modified the list in-place by removing the internal `_collection` variable (:pr:`235`). Thanks :user:`jammmo` for the PR.
Bug fixes:
- Convert POS tags from treebank to wordnet when calling ``lemmatize`` to prevent ``MissingCorpusError`` (:issue:`160`). Thanks :user:`jschnurr`.
- Use specified tokenizer when tagging (:issue:`167`). Thanks :user:`jschnurr` for the PR.
Bug fixes:
- Avoid AttributeError when using pattern's sentiment analyzer (:issue:`178`). Thanks :user:`tylerjharden` for the catch and patch. - Correctly pass ``format`` argument to ``NLTKClassifier.accuracy`` (:issue:`177`). Thanks :user:`pavelmalai` for the catch and patch.
- Performance improvements to `NaiveBayesClassifier` (:issue:`63`, :issue:`77`, :issue:`123`). Thanks :user:`jcalbert` for the PR.