
Latest version: v0.19.0

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- Wordnet integration. ``Word`` objects have ``synsets`` and ``definitions`` properties. The ``text.wordnet`` module allows you to create ``Synset`` and ``Lemma`` objects directly.
- Move all English-specific code to its own module, ``text.en``.
- Basic extensions framework in place. TextBlob has been refactored to make it easier to develop extensions.
- Add ``text.classifiers.PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier``.
- Update NLTK.
- ``NLTKTagger`` now working on Python 3.
- Fix ``__str__`` behavior. ``print(blob)`` should now print non-ascii text correctly in both Python 2 and 3.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: All abstract base classes have been moved to the ``text.base`` module.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``PerceptronTagger`` will now be maintained as an extension, ``textblob-aptagger``. Instantiating a ``text.taggers.PerceptronTagger()`` will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``.


- Word tokenization fix: Words that stem from a contraction will still have an apostrophe, e.g. ``"Let's" => ["Let", "'s"]``.
- Fix bug with comparing blobs to strings.
- Add ``text.taggers.PerceptronTagger``, a fast and accurate POS tagger. Thanks `syllog1sm <http://github.com/syllog1sm>`_.
- Note for Python 3 users: You may need to update your corpora, since NLTK master has reorganized its corpus system. Just run ``curl https://raw.github.com/sloria/TextBlob/master/download_corpora.py | python`` again.
- Add ``download_corpora_lite.py`` script for getting the minimum corpora requirements for TextBlob's basic features.


- Fix bug that resulted in a ``UnicodeEncodeError`` when tagging text with non-ascii characters.
- Add ``DecisionTreeClassifier``.
- Add ``labels()`` and ``train()`` methods to classifiers.


- Classifiers can be trained and tested on CSV, JSON, or TSV data.
- Add basic WordNet lemmatization via the ``Word.lemma`` property.
- ``WordList.pluralize()`` and ``WordList.singularize()`` methods return ``WordList`` objects.


- Add Naive Bayes classification. New ``text.classifiers`` module, ``TextBlob.classify()``, and ``Sentence.classify()`` methods.
- Add parsing functionality via the ``TextBlob.parse()`` method. The ``text.parsers`` module currently has one implementation (``PatternParser``).
- Add spelling correction. This includes the ``TextBlob.correct()`` and ``Word.spellcheck()`` methods.
- Update NLTK.
- Backwards incompatible: ``clean_html`` has been deprecated, just as it has in NLTK. Use Beautiful Soup's ``soup.get_text()`` method for HTML-cleaning instead.
- Slight API change to language translation: if ``from_lang`` isn't specified, attempts to detect the language.
- Add ``itokenize()`` method to tokenizers that returns a generator instead of a list of tokens.


- Unicode fixes: This fixes a bug that sometimes raised a ``UnicodeEncodeError`` upon creating accessing ``sentences`` for TextBlobs with non-ascii characters.
- Update NLTK

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