Major Updates and Feature Improvements
- Adds Python 3.11 support [experimental] 500
- Python 3.11 is not fully supported by `pytorch` and `openslide`
- Removes Python 3.7 support
- This allows upgrading all the dependencies which were dependent on an older version of Python.
- Adds Neighbourhood Querying Support To AnnotationStore 540
- This enables easy and efficient querying of annotations within a neighbourhood of other annotations.
- Adds `MultiTaskSegmentor` engine 424
- Fixes an issue with stain augmentation to apply augmentation to only tissue regions.
- 546 contributed by navidstuv
- Filters logger output to stdout instead of stderr.
- Fixes 255
- Allows import of some modules at higher level for improved usability
- `WSIReader` can now be imported as `from tiatoolbox.wsicore import WSIReader`
- `WSIMeta` can now be imported as `from tiatoolbox.wsicore import WSIMeta`
- `HoVerNet`, `HoVerNetPlus`, `IDaRS`, `MapDe`, `MicroNet`, `NuClick`, `SCCNN` can now be imported as \`from tiatoolbox.models import HoVerNet, HoVerNetPlus, IDaRS, MapDe, MicroNet, NuClick, SCCNN
- Improves `PatchExtractor` performance. Updates `WSIPatchDataset` to be consistent. 571
- Updates documentation for `License` for clarity on source code and model weights license.
Changes to API
- Updates SCCNN architecture to make it consistent with other models. 544
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
- Fixes Parsing Missing Omero Version NGFF Metadata 568
- Fixes 535 raised by benkamphaus
- Fixes reading of DICOM WSIs at the correct level 564
- Fixes 529
- Fixes `scipy`, `matplotlib`, `scikit-image` deprecated code
- Fixes breaking changes in `DICOMWSIReader` to make it compatible with latest `wsidicom` version. 539, 580
- Updates `shapely` dependency to version >=2.0.0 and fixes any breaking changes.
- Fixes bug with `DictionaryStore.bquery` and `geometry=None`, i.e. only a where predicate given.
- Partly Fixes 532 raised by blaginin
- Fixes local tests for Windows/Linux
- Fixes `flake8`, `deepsource` errors.
- Uses `logger` instead of `warnings` and `print` statements to properly log runs.
Development related changes
- Upgrades dependencies which are dependent on Python 3.7
- Moves `requirements*.txt` files to `requirements` folder
- Removes `tox`
- Uses `pyproject.toml` for `bdist_wheel`, `pytest` and `isort`
- Adds `joblib` and `numba` as dependencies.