Major and Feature Improvements
- Drops support for python 3.6
- Update minimum requirement to python 3.7
- Adds support for python 3.9
- Adds `models` base to the repository. Currently, PyTorch models are supported. New custom models can be added. The tiatoolbox also supports using custom weights to pre-existing built-in models.
- Adds `classification` package and CNNPatchPredictor which takes predefined model architecture and pre-trained weights as input. The pre-trained weights for classification using kather100k data set is automatically downloaded if no weights are provided as input.
- Adds mask-based patch extraction functionality to extract patches based on the regions that are highlighted in the `input_mask`. If `'auto'` option is selected, a tissue mask is automatically generated for the `input_image` using tiatoolbox `TissueMasker` functionality.
- Adds visualisation module to overlay the results of an algorithm.
Changes to API
- Command line interface for stain normalisation can be called using the keyword `stain-norm` instead of `stainnorm`
- Replaces `FixedWindowPatchExtractor` with `SlidingWindowPatchExtractor` .
- get_patchextractor takes the `slidingwindow` as an argument.
- Depreciates `VariableWindowPatchExtractor`
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
- Significantly improved python notebook documentation for clarity, consistency and ease of use for non-experts.
- Adds detailed installation instructions for Windows, Linux and Mac
Development related changes
- Moves flake8 above pytest in the `travis.yml` script stage.
- Adds `set -e` at the start of the script stage in `travis.yml` to cause it to exit on error and (hopefully) not run later parts of the stage.
- Readthedocs related changes
- Uses `requirements.txt` in `.readthedocs.yml`
- Uses apt-get installation for openjpeg and openslide
- Removes conda build on readthedocs build
- Adds extra checks to pre-commit, e.g., import sorting, spellcheck etc. Detailed list can be found on this [commit](