- 🚨 Python 3.7 and below no longer supported.
- All models are now Pydantic models, for better data validation, serialization and deserialization.
- Models no longer contain methods to parse content, these have been moved to dedicated parser classes.
- 🚨 The location of models inside the module changed, so all imports need to be modified.
- Model changes:
- ``Character``:
- ``account_status`` field replaced with ``is_premium``.
- ``traded`` field renamed to ``is_traded``.
- ``deleted`` property renamed to ``is_scheduled_for_deletion``.
- ``hidden`` property renamed to ``is_hidden``.
- ``Achievement``:
- ``secret`` field renamed to ``is_secret``
- ``CharacterHouse``:
- ``owner`` field removed.
- ``status`` field removed.
- ``type`` field removed.
- ``paid_until_date`` field renamed tp ``paid_until``.
- Removed ``owner``, ``status`` and ``type`` from ``CharacterHouse``.
- ``Killer``:
- Model name renamed to ``DeathParticipant``.
- ``player`` field renamed to ``is_player``.
- ``traded`` field renamed to ``is_traded``.
- ``Death``:
- ``by_player`` property renamed to ``is_by_player``
- ``name`` field removed.
- ``OtherCharacter``:
- ``online`` field renamed to ``is_online``.
- ``deleted`` field renamed to ``is_deleted``.
- ``traded`` field renamed to ``is_traded``.
- ``main`` field renamed to ``is_main``.
- ``WorldEntry`` / ``World``:
- ``online`` field renamed to ``is_online``
- ``battleye_date`` field renamed to ``battleye_since``
- ``premium_only`` field renamed to ``is_premium_only``
- ``experimental`` field renamed to ``is_experimental``
- ``battleye_protected`` property renamed to ``is_battleye_protected``
- ``OnlineCharacter``:
- ``world`` field removed.
- ``SpellsSection``:
- ``premium`` field renamed to ``is_premium``
- ``SpellEntry``/``Spell``:
- ``premium`` field renamed to ``is_premium``
- ``News``/``NewsEntry``:
- ``category_icon`` field removed. Can be accessed through ``category.big_icon_url`` and ``category.small_icon_url``.
- ``date`` field renamed to ``published_on``
- ``NewsArchive``:
- ``start_date`` field renamed to ``from_date``.
- ``end_date`` field renamed to ``to_date``.
- ``types`` field is now of type ``set``.
- ``categories`` field is now of type ``set``.
- ``NewsCategory`` (enum)
- Added ``big_icon_url`` and ``small_icon_url`` properties.
- ``Leaderboard``:
- ``current`` field renamed to ``is_current``.
- ``page`` field renamed to ``current_page``.
- ``last_update`` field removed.
- ``last_updated``field added, a datetime of when was the last update.
- ``LeaderboardEntry``:
- ``name`` field might be ``None`` if characte is deleted.
- ``Highscores``:
- ``.page`` field renamed to ``current_page``.
- ``last_updated`` field is now a ``datetime`` instead of a ``timedelta``.
- ``GuildMember``:
- ``joined`` field renamed to ``joined_on``.
- ``online`` field renamed to ``is_online``.
- ``GuildInvite``:
- ``date`` field renamed to ``invited_on``.
- ``GuildHouse``:
- ``paid_until_date`` field renamed tp ``paid_until``.
- ``owner`` field removed.
- ``world`` field removed.
- ``status`` field removed.
- ``type`` field removed.
- ``ForumBoard``:
- ``threads`` field renamed to ``entries``.
- ``page`` field renamed to ``current_page``.
- ``section_id`` field added.
- ``results_count`` field added.
- ``ForumThread``:
- ``posts`` field renamed to ``entries``.
- ``board_id`` field added.
- ``section_id`` field added.
- ``results_count`` field added.
- ``previous_topic_number`` may be ``None`` instead of ``0``.
- ``next_topic_number`` may be ``None`` instead of ``0``.
- ``LastPost``.
- ``date`` field renamed to ``posted_on``.
- ``deleted`` field renamed to ``is_author_deleted``.
- ``traded`` field renamed to ``is_author_traded``.
- ``CMPostArchive``:
- ``start_date`` field renamed to ``from_date``
- ``end_date`` field renamed to ``to_date``
- ``page`` field renamed to ``current_page``
- ``posts`` field renamed to ``entries``
- ``CMPost``:
- ``date`` field renamed to ``posted_on``
- ``Auction`` renamed to ``AuctionDetails`` and is no longer a subclass of ``AuctionEntry``.
- ``AuctionEntry`` renamed to ``Auction``.
- ``CharacterBazaar``:
- ``page`` field renamed to ``current_page``.
- ``BestiaryEntry``:
- ``completed`` property renamed to ``is_completed``.
- Renamed ``DisplayImage`` to ``ItemEntry``.
- Renamed ``DisplayMount`` to ``MountEntry``.
- Renamed ``DisplayOutfit`` to ``OutfitEntry``.
- Renamed ``DisplayFamiliar`` to ``FamiliarEntry``.
- Renamed ``page`` to ``current_page``, ``results`` to ``results_count``, and ``fully_fetched`` to ``is_fully_fetched`` in ``ItemSummary``, ``Mounts``, ``Familiars`` and ``Outfits``.
- Added ``thread_starter_deleted`` to ``ThreadEntry``.
- Renamed ``Category`` to ``HighscoresCategory``.
- Renamed ``BattlEyeTypeFilter`` to ``AuctionBattlEyeFilter``.
- Renamed ``VocationFilter`` to ``HighscoresProfession``.
- Renamed ``BattlEyeHighscoresFilter`` to ``HighscoresBattlEyeType``.
- Renamed ``VocationAuctionFilter`` to ``AuctionVocationFilter``.
- Renamed ``VocationSpellFilter`` to ``SpellVocationFilter``.
- Renamed ``SkillFilter`` to ``AuctionSkillFilter``.
- Added ``ForumSection`` model and its respective parser, to fetch a list of board entries.
- Removed ``get_url`` class methods from all models, replaced by functions in the urls package.
- Fixed ``Character`` account badges not being parsed properly.