- Added parsing for Tibia Drome leaderboards, new ``Leaderboard`` class.
- Auxiliary classes ``LeaderboardEntry`` and ``LeaderboardRotation`` were added as well.
- New ``Client`` method: ``fetch_leaderboards``.
- Added parsing for Spells library, new ``SpellsSection`` class.
- Auxiliary classes ``Spell`` and ``SpellEntry``.
- New ``Client`` methods: ``fetch_spell`` and ``fetch_spells``
- Fix last page of highscores having ``0`` as page value.
- Using the ``Client`` class, you can now fetch and parse content from the test version of www.tibia.com when available.
- Note that if the test website has changes, parsing might not be possible.
- Internal URL attributes might still point to the regular website.
- New ``HousesSection`` class, including the house filtering attributes.
- New ``NewsArchive`` class, including the news filtering attributes.
- New ``GuildsSection`` class, to replace the lists of ``GuildEntry``
- Many "ListedObject" classes were renamed to "ObjectEntry", for details check the breaking changes below.
- Fixed bug with other characters not being parsed.
- Added ``traded`` attribute to ``LastPost`` class.
- Added ``thread_starter_traded`` attribute to ``ThreadEntry``
**Breaking Changes**:
- Python 3.7 or higher is now required.
- House classes no longer have ``get_list_url`` and ``list_from_content`` methods.
- ``Client.fetch_world_houses`` now returns a ``HousesSection`` instance in its data attribute, instead of a list of ``ListedHouses``.
- ``ListedHouse.highest_bid`` attribute now may be ``None`` if the house's auction has not yet started.
- ``ListedHouse`` class renamed to ``HouseEntry``.
- Removed deprecated property ``AuctionFilters.item``.
- ``Client.fetch_news_archive``, ``Client.fetch_recent_news`` now returns an instance of ``NewsArchive`` in the ``data`` attribute.
- ``ListedNews`` class renamed to ``NewsEntry``.
- ``News`` and ``NewsEntry`` no longer have a ``get_list_url`` method.
- ``ListedBoard`` class renamed to ``BoardEntry``.
- ``ListedThread`` class renamed to ``ThreadEntry``.
- ``ListedAnnouncement`` class renamed to ``AnnouncementEntry``.
- ``ListedWorld`` class renamed to ``WorldEntry``.
- ``ListedAuction`` class renamed to ``AuctionEntry``.
- ``AuctionDetails`` class renamed to ``Auction``.
- ``ListedGuild`` class renamed to ``GuildEntry``.
- ``ListedTournament`` class renamed to ``TournamentEntry``.
- ``Creature`` class renamed to ``CreatureEntry``.
- ``CreatureDetail`` class renamed to ``Creature``.
- ``Guild`` and ``GuildEntry`` class no longer have a ``get_list_url`` method.
- Renamed ``begin_date`` parameter to ``start_date`` in ``fetch_news_archive``.
- Renamed ``race`` attribute of ``CreatureEntry`` and ``Creature`` to ``identifier``, method parameters renamed as well.
- ``CreaturesSection.from_boosted_creature_header`` renamed to ``CreaturesSection.boosted_creature_from_header``.