
Latest version: v24.7.1

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* Fix bug that the report dialog would add 1 day to the time range (52).
* Tweaks to the menu, navigation buttons, and stats view in the timeline.
* The timetagger.app website now has some more in-depth articles/guides. Some of the dialogs refer to these.


Not secure
* Fixed that an error popup would appear after deleting a record.


Not secure
This is the first proper release. I've chosen to use caldev versioning (the version number represents `year.month.nr`).

Since there are no previous release notes, let's catch up on how we got here.

TimeTagger is a spin-off of TimeTurtle (which is not open source), which has been around since 2019. The biggest changes compared to TimeTurtle are that tags are used instead of projects, resulting in a more lightweight (and flexible) experience. Further there have been quite a lot of UI and UX improvements.

When TimeTagger was ready enough and put online (14-01-2021), someone liking it posted it on HN, resulting in a lot of feedback. I spend the next two weeks or so to incrementally improve the UX based (in part) on these comments. The most notable are a redesign of the workflow and dialog to start/create a record, adding the ability to delete a record, improved support for keyboard shortcuts, and improved ordering and filtering in the overview panel.

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