* The record dialog now comes with a dropdown for tag suggestions. * Recent tags are now suggested after typing the first ``. * When typing characters after the ``, matching tags are suggested. * You can now define and use tag presets.
* Support for a wider range of `jwt` lib versions (thanks to Edgard Rosberg Duarte Leal). * Performance improvements.
* Small fix in notifications (don't focus when the close button is clicked in the notification).
* Fix back/forward navigation in the months-scale. * Fix pomo focus and permission issues.
* Implement an integrated Pomodoro timer. * Settings are now local to the device (not synced between devices). * A small fix in colors for darkmode.
* Colors are now per-tag instead of per tag-combination. * All corners in the record representation are now rounded. * Overview panes (when zoomed out in week/month view) also show totals when tags are selected.