- Set cap on figure size in BINDetect for large number of motifs - Fix for reading 1-bp .bed-files without "not proper bed format"-error in RegionList.from_bed - Fix for reading .meme-files without trailing empty line
- Within motifs utils: Added ylim parameter for visualization of motifs with low bitscores (from hschult) - Fixed bug in PlotHeatmap leading to error for out-of-bounds regions (64)
- Fixed bug in ATACorrect causing "uncorrected == corrected" for 1bp read .bam-files - Fixed column matching in CreateNetwork so that target != source in the same file - Minor change in regions utility to allow .bed-files ending in empty-string
- Fix for similarity score error introduced in 0.12.7 (wrongly applied max instead of min)
- Fixed error reading in meme.txt files (due to "----"-lines) - Internal additions of motif-specific functions (e.g. GC-content, motifs from fasta) - Capped motif similarities at 1 (influence rare cases where correlation < 0) - Added error for input '--peak'-files with varying number of columns in BINDetect
- Fix for bug leading to keyerror when --peak-header did not contain "peak_chr"