Highlighted Features Added
* Add a `--caching` option which explicitly states whether to use caching with a workflow. Uses a default value depending on whether or not we are using the file job store if not specified. (4218)
* New prototype WDL runner `python -m toil.wdl.wdltoil` using MiniWDL (3468)
* MiniWDL-based WDL implementation can now run the vg Giraffe WDL workflow ( 4353)
* Toil now tests against our own tiny set of WDL conformance tests (4351)
* Toil can run the HPRC assembly WDL workflows (4435)
* Toil can now use Mesos roles (4455)
Breaking Changes
* Replace "preemptable" with "preemptible", add example of using --defaultPreemptible flag to Preemptibility documentation (1951)
* CWL: run all ExpressionTools on the Leader node, instead of submitting separate jobs (4157)
* Kubernetes batch system: Delete jobs individually when batch delete fails (3403)
* Documentation for running a Toil leader for a Kubernetes workflow outside Kubernetes now covers examples and common problems for running CWL workflows (document toil-cwl-runner + "Running the Leader Outside Kubernetes" 3422)
* Kubernetes batch system: support `--maxCores`, `--maxDisk`, and `--maxMemory` (2864)
* Add tutorial for Kubernetes launch cluster (3743)
* Require htcondor 10 exactly (4315)
* Toil jobs now have a `local` parameter which determines if they should run on the leader. (4388)
* The offline tests can now be run in parallel (3493)
* Code updated to be more idiomatic for Python3.7 (4295)
* Support for a `--network` for `toil launch-cluster` for Google cloud (4196)
* Support for a `--use_private_ip` for `toil launch-cluster` to dial nodes by private IP instead of public IP (4196)
* GPU scheduling should now be supported on Slurm (4308)
* Toil now supports a `--batchLogsDir` option and `TOIL_BATCH_LOGS_DIR` environment variable, to provide a directory other than the work dir where Toil will instruct HPC batch systems to save their captured job logs.
* `htcondor` batch system should now work again, and will retry connections
* Updated the --coalesceStatusCalls help documentation to reflect the current state of (#4437)
* Toil no longer trusts XDG_RUNTIME_DIR under Slurm (fixes some of the issues behind 4395 when Slurm is configured not to follow the XDG spec) (4435)
* Toil now puts it lock files for Singularity cache directories for WDL in those directories (4435)
* Toil's WDL interpreter can now use local-to-the-leader jobs for evaluating WDL code that doesn't need appreciable resources (4388)
* Toil now tolerates more possible exceptions related to the panasas network file system (4440)
* Type hinting to functions in (938)
* Added return type to inVirtualEnv() in `` (938)
* Added None checks to some function bodies (938)
_Bug Fixes_
* Stop crashing when predefined batch job exit reasons are used and need to go into the message bus log file (4321)
* Added `import subprocess` to restore the behavior of 588. (4429)
* Toil will no longer use the stored message bus path from an old execution of a workflow when deciding where to save the message bus log when restarting a workflow (4438)
* Fix --custom-net mutual exclusivity bug. (4458)
Thank you to our contributors: stxue1 , DailyDreaming , mr-c , adamnovak , jfennick , misterbrandonwalker , w-gao , stephanaime , glennhickey , Hexotical , manabuishii gmloose , boukn , and thiagogenez !