
Latest version: v7.0.0

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_Bug Fixes_
* Change build tag import (4329)

Thank you to our contributors: adamnovak , Hexotical !



_Bug Fixes_
* Fix --provisioner and --metrics together (4328)
* Ignore incorrect type hint from boto3, remove json.loads (4330)
* Warn about missing --bypass-file-store with in-place update (4337)
* Replace prepareHTSubmission with prepareSubmission in HTCondor (4319)
* Merge "Google fixes" (4293)
* Support (only) current htcondor (4320)
* Delete k8s jobs individually when batch delete fails (4306)

* Update aws spot documentation (4310)
* Enable parallel testing (3493)
* Add documentation for running CWL workflows on non-Toil-managed Kubernetes clusters (4332)
* Export all slurm args by default (4237)
* Allow for subclasses of base types in messages (4322)
* Non cache default (4299)

* Bump mypy from 0.982 to 0.991 (4345)
* Bump schema-salad>=8.4.20230128170514,<9 to schema-salad>=8.3.20220913105718,<8.4 (4342) (4341)
* Bump cwltool from 3.1.20221008225030 to 3.1.20221201130942 (4338)
* Bump pyupgrade to 3.7 (4295)

Thank you to our contributors: adamnovak , Hexotical , w-gao, mr-c , gmloose , boukn , and thiagogenez !



Highlighted Features Added

* Toil server now exposes workflow tasks via WES (4046).
* Toil server now has a `--wes_dialect agc` option that will hide any tasks that don't have Amazon Batch job IDs, and put the IDs in the task names for those that do (4047).
* Toil jobs now accept an `accelerators` requirement, like `accelerators=1` or `accelerators={'kind': 'gpu', 'brand': 'nvidia', 'count': 2}` (4163)
* Include total requested cores for each job type in `toil stats` (4173)
* Toil jobs now expose `job.accelerators` to workflow
* Add prefix suffix params to `AbstractFileStore.getLocalTempFile` and `AbstractFileStore.getLocalTempFileName` (4273)
* CWL: `--no-compute-checksum`, `--strict-cpu-limit`, `--disable-validate`, and `--fast-parser` are now available

Breaking Changes
* Toil's built-in autoscaler now guesses that some memory and disk space on nodes will not actually be available for jobs; pass `--assumeZeroOverhead` to revert to the old behavior (2103)

* CWL job unit and display names have been changed to make more sense as task names, and management of them has been unified into a `CWLNamedJob`. (4046/4047)
* CWL `CUDARequirement` is parsed by `cwltool` and turned into a requirement for the minimum requested number of nvidia GPU accelerators (3982)
* fix false warning when outputSource contains only one None value (4300)

* `KubernetesBatchSystem` can add `` and `` resource requests for jobs that request those accelerators (4163)
* `KubernetesBatchSystem` can request GPUs by `model` key, if nodes are labeled appropriately (4163)


* Toil WES server now accepts requests that leave out workflow_params. (4037)
* The `MessageBus` has been expanded to use `pypubsub`, and now has `MessageInbox` and `MessageOutbox` objects to represent connections to it. (4046/4047)
* `ToilMetrics` now rides on the `MessageBus` rails. (4046/4047)
* Toil workflows now have a `--writeMessages` option, which takes a file to which a line-oriented stream of `MessageBus` messages will be written. Reading this file will allow you to recover the current state of the workflow. (4046/4047)
* Add code for warning check to be used when launching cluster with AWS. (3514)
* Use a CI prebake image for gitlab testing. (4185)
* Toil clusters now have `/var/tmp` as the default temporary directory, since they often make large temporary files (4148)
* Adds basic testing for slurm using a slurm docker cluster by running sample workflows. (3856)
* Add message bus documentation (4239)
* `SingleMachineBatchSystem` can schedule nvidia GPU accelerators, limiting the concurrent jobs to no more than there are accelerators to support, and setting `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` in the tasks' environments to tell them which nvidia GPU(s) to use. (4163)
* `AWSBatchBatchSystem` can use AWS Batch's GPU resource to provide nvidia GPU accelerators (4163)
* Toil jobs no longer need to re-run after their child/followOn/service jobs in order to delete themselves. (3188)
* Message bus is now thread safe (4276)
* Docker build has been updated with new Aventer Mesos deb URL (fixes 4290)
* `docker` binary in the container has been updated to that included in the Ubuntu repos (fixes 4282)
* Singularity in the appliance has been updated to 3.10 which is >=3.9, for cgroups v2 support.
* Base Ubuntu container image for the appliance has been updated to 22.04, which has a new enough libc for Debian's Singularity 3.10 debs.
* Safer type usage checking for systems without boto3 installed
* Tests are now more runnable post-installation. Temporary paths are not selected based upon the location of the tests themselves. (4287)

_Bug Fixes_
* Only use `/var/run/user` if XDG tells us we have it in our session. Otherwise we will try other places, including `/run/lock/toil`. (4170)
* `toil destroy-cluster`: terminate stopped instances when destroying the cluster (4271)
* fileJobStore: handle arbitrary `` errors to work on some filesystems (2232)

Thank you to our contributors!



Highlighted Features Added

AWS Batch Batch System (3956)
AGC Integration (4039) + More AGC integration (4067) + AGC megabranch (4113)
Scale TES to be able to run reasonably-sized workflows on Funnel on Kubernetes with the AWS job store (3927)


Run CWL conformance tests via WES (4052)
Implement and test CWL loadContents from URLs to fix 4125 (4126)
Add CWL tests under ARM (4038)
Cache results of cwltool version lookup (4141)


SGE batch system change to support serial jobs. (4022)
Performance testing for Graviton instances (4123)
Stop waiting on hostpath volumes to exist (4146)
Catch and warn about jobs going away too slowly on FileJobStore (4149)
Add documentation for the type-checking hooks (4117)
Pod murder bot (4060)
Contrib hook scripts (4105)
Allow newer google-cloud-storage (4114)
Use environment variable to set parallel partition name (4096)
Register pytest markers (4103)
Mention --export=ALL for SLURM environments (4100) (4102)
Allow persisting workflow state in WES server across container recreation (4082)
Change `toil kill` to use the job store shared file API to find `pig.log` (4075)
Bring back kill loop in the single_machine batch system but with a timeout (4070)
Reorganize Locking (4059)
Add and test preemptability constraints (4044)
Enhanced types (3975)
Use an `init` process that reaps zombies on toil clusters (3974)
Add launch cluster support for ARM (3971)
Feat: square bracket to period separator (4008)
Add AGC health check endpoint (3997)
Tolerate and require typed Werkzeug (4011)
Add more static URLs for Singularity debs (4007)

_Bug Fixes_

Update WES set up docs (4027)
Add real time logs (4031)
Fail fast if Docker builder is missing (4001)
Make Toil version be reported as a string in WES (4013)
Fix assorted typos within assorted comments (4023)
Make file store case insensitive (4153)
Pre-lex commands for qsub (4150)
Update Cactus and exclude broken networkx (4107)
Make `toil kill` work when the leader is on another machine (4084)
Wrong filename in output (4139)
Tolerate a missing VersionID key to fix 4129 (4130)
Only import from typing_extensions on old Python where we install it (4090)
Allow missing username and fix Docker build (4077)
Leave more time for concurrency measurement to fix 4012 (4068)
Stop people asking for ARM Mesos clusters to fix 4057 (4058)

Thank you to our contributors: mr-c, adamnovak, w-gao, jonathanxu18, Hexotical, gmloose, kannon92, douglowe, gcapes, and pmiddend!



Highlighted Features Added
* Integrate ARM Docker builds to make multi-arch images. (3802)
* WES support and server mode. (3779)
* TES batch system prototype. (3821)
* Support for new resource syntax in PBSPro. (3048)
* Toil now looks for lost jobs every minute instead of every hour (3948)

Breaking Changes
* Remove --disableCaching's true/false argument. (3869)

* CWL helper jobs: better disk & memory requirements. (3834)
* CWL: safer test path generation for post-install testing. (3818)
* More detailed names, which show up in job names sent to BatchSystem schedulers. 3941 (was 3893)
* If you use scatter and collect files, duplicates are correctly dealt with and renamed. (3968)
* CWL: at the end of a job, ask cwltool to cleanup (3965)

* Assign Kubernetes jobs an explicit TTL. (3936)
* Wait for node creation. (3934)

* Enable Dependabot updates. (3827)
* Multiple consolidated dependabot updates. (3851)
* Update addict requirement from <2.3,>=2.2.1 to >=2.2.1,<2.5. (3861)
* Bump cwltool to 3.1.20211107152837. (3833 3866 3909)
* Bump cwltest from 2.1.20210626101542 to 2.2.20210901154959. (3848)
* Bump flake8 from 3.8.4 to 4.0.1. (3847)
* Allow more docker-py versions. (3860)
* Remove pyyaml dependency. (3858)

* Update cleanup script. (3937)
* Remove use of sys.maxsize. (3824)
* Spelling fixes. (3814)
* Add codeql-analysis for Python. (3825)
* Update jobstore function names. (3809)
* Move AMI functions to lib. (3810)
* Add "make pyupgrade" (py36-plus). (3805)
* Type hints. (3930)
* Coalesce status calls in slurm. (3822)
* Python logging takes format values as *args. (3852)
* Change quick test to a 10 minute timeout. (3843)
* Add make uninstall to makefile. (3883)
* Fix toil kill to find shared pid.log file (with unit test). 3941 (was 3932)
* Update documentation. (3947)
+ Remove remains of Travis. (3976)

_Bug Fixes_
* Stop checkpoints from being reissued multiple times. (3931)
* Don't consult LSF config when explicitly defining memory units. (3820)
* Robustly remove state dirs. (3836)
* Fix exception checking for exit_code. (3830)
* Use exitStatus instead of exitReason for batch exit type comparison. (3839)
* Update cwltest to improve K8 runs. (3935)
* Consolidated CI Fixes. (3887)
* Fix CWL conformance tests. (3891)
* Toil-managed cluster scaling should work again with `--metrics`. (3943)

Thank you to our contributors: mr-c, adamnovak, w-gao, jonathanxu18, Hexotical, tmooney, nikhil, kannon92, douglowe, mhpopescu, Phhere, and gmloose!



* Add podman support; and other fixes from recent cwltool 3799
* Add streaming feature for cwltoil 3694
* Warn users if a different cwltool version is installed 3686
* Turn on all Kubernetes CWL tests that are expected to work on Singularity 3720
* Fix CWL in toil docs jobstore usage 3728
* DOC: update versions of CWL support
* Allow filestore bypass 3652

* Numerous Type Hints. 3705 3701 3693 3691 3663 3688 3642 3684 3682 3680 3666 3675
* Single source of truth for job state 3776
* Do not set default for statePollingWait 3774
* Use absolute local paths when exportFile/importFile do not detect a schema 3767
* Multi-zone balancing within regions for AWS autoscaling groups 3746
* Migrate cloud-config to ignition 3488
* 🎡 Wheel Of Issues 🎰 3760
* Add back addBatchSystemFactory function 3754
* Redirect stderr to /dev/null of lsf conf queries 3751
* Set number of cores based on job.cores for OpenMP applications 3739
* Google jobstore batching 3740
* Locations of CLI option docs
* Add AWS provisioner storage system 3727
* Set cls.bucket 3726
* Stream vs dowload jobs 3722
* Update Toil's main python test version to 3.8. 3669
* Move Travis tests to Gitlab 3675

_Bug Fixes_
* Don't leak symlinks 3795
* Prevent exception from being raised when modifying dir permissions for clean up 3778
* Fix scontrol output parsing 3793
* Fix AttributeError 3742
* Workaround for S3 in us-east-1 3710
* Time data format 3708
* Fix batch system std files prefix glob 3679

Thank you to our contributors: mr-c, adamnovak, w-gao, jonathanxu18, Hexotical, ionox0, gmloose, juanesarango, mhpopescu, mberacochea, nikhil!

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