- Catches unintended HTTP exceptions and prints a useful stacktrace if log_level is set to DEBUG.
- Fixes an issue where Content-Type header couldn't be specified without charset in HTTP transports. - Cleared some old debug code.
- Corrects and issue with AMQP transport which caused invoked functions to not be able to declare scope variables without crashes.
- Release fixes a major issue which caused invoked functions to not be able to declare any scope variables. - `http_static` decorator for serving static files from a folder on disk. Takes to values; 1. the path to the folder, either relative to the service file or absolute; 2. the base URL path for static files as a regexp.
- Changed format of access log for HTTP requests - now logging user agent and login name (if authorization via Basic Auth). - Support for `X-Forwarded-For` headers via `real_ip_from` and `real_ip_header` options which will log the forwarded IP instead of the one from the load balancer / proxy. - Access log for HTTP can now be specified as a filename to which the service will log all requests. - Fixes issue with schedule invoker which would crash if invoked at second 0. - Updated dependencies to latest available versions.
- Timezone support for `schedule` invoker functions. - Added more decorator invoker functions as aliases for common scheduler use cases - `minutely`, `hourly`, `daily` and `heartbeat` (every second) - Updated example services and better test cases. - Updated aiohttp / aiobotocore / botocore dependencies.