- Reworked type hinting annotations for AWS SNS+SQS filter policies as there were still cases found in the previous tomodachi version that didn't work as they should, and raised mypy errors where a correct filter policy had been applied.
- Fixes a type annotation for the `aws_sns_sqs` decorator's keyword argument `filter_policy`, which could result in a `mypy` error if an "anything-but" filter policy was used.
- Await potential lingering connection responses before shutting down HTTP server.
- Optimizations for HTTP based function tasks, which should lower the base CPU usage for `tomodachi.http` decorated tasks between 5% - 25% when using middlewares or the default access log.
- Corrects an issue with having multiple invoker decorators to the same service function / task. - Fixed the `http.client_max_size` option, which invalidly always defaulted to `(1024 ** 2) * 100` (`100MB`), even though specified to another value. - Fixes backward compability with `aiohttp` 3.5.x.
- Fixes an issue which could cause hot reloading of services to break (for example when using Protocol Buffers), due to the change in pre-initialized modules from the `tomodachi` 0.20.0 release.