* BLD: bumping ver ([`f6fd3a4`](
* Saccharomyces cerevisiae refactor ([`e5557d4`](
* S288C refactor ([`891160a`](
* fix circular import with baseembedding and update datasets and start rewrite for neo4j_cell ([`9302376`](
* update build with uncomment ([`479c00f`](
* fixed issues with SynthRescue and GeneEssentiality ([`7b25c93`](
* troubleshoot synth and essential datasets ([`7a151b5`](
* oom due to publication change mem reduction factor ([`ea01de9`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c598e59`](
* mem reduction on publication node ([`137fbc0`](
* note update ([`9935f53`](
* update build ([`73e600a`](
* small adjust to check bool change to schema ([`7e3874a`](
* update scheam and datasets for nan ([`08a4aa7`](
* 1e5 for small global ([`8c6b45d`](
* add memory reduction factor to dmf costanzo ([`9f6837c`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4d21bef`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`84f07ee`](
* update yaml ([`90cfb74`](
* update slurm ([`c558821`](
* create whole graph update ([`5c26e9c`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`8512a38`](
* create kgs update ([`fb856c4`](
* kg before general kg builder ([`0221011`](
* dataset update ([`1418109`](
* wk space update debugpy ([`9622654`](
* 002 svr plot update ([`c3be56e`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`d2f9757`](
* smf kg ([`f13c191`](
* gh slurm update ([`ecad48a`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1efc25a`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e316ad2`](
* plot updates ([`c2188d0`](
* update slrum scripts ([`8321348`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`52c6aba`](
* svr update ([`bf81823`](
* performance v dataset ([`fe9c97c`](
* update slurm delta ([`4f4082c`](
* plots ([`faf47f3`](
* RF first pltos and updated interaction plotting scripts ([`3fdb996`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c7f589d`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1fa070a`](
* rf to online ([`ad12a5e`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c491592`](
* 😡 wandb offline sync not logging to summary reported bug, switched everying to online for now. ([`e73851f`](
* interactions elastic first plots ([`9d6cc06`](
* rf sweeps no null ([`8489eb9`](
* rf to online ([`74362d7`](
* add cross val ([`c68f5d1`](
* correct plotting ([`bf34979`](
* correct import again ([`babdb10`](
* corrected import ([`2432430`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`0293541`](
* slurm for interactions on delta ([`cabff74`](
* gi plot update ([`2a0a6be`](
* elastic net plotting start for interactions and smf-dmf-tmf-001 fitness ([`4ce6711`](
* slurm scripts delta ([`960430e`](
* all not needed on svr and elastic net ([`4b8adc0`](
* gh slurm ([`eba6d61`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`b7416dd`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`17f5d5f`](
* slurm updates ([`6210d32`](
* confs ([`250c7c7`](
* 002 gh sbatch trad scripts ([`21ef91c`](
* svr plot update and interactions ([`9afca38`](
* RF plots ([`2eb50f4`](
* note update ([`7ad3a12`](
* note update ([`4e9dfe4`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ba59194`](
* default to cpu ([`76f2bff`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4c54068`](
* update ignore ([`541a106`](
* 1e06 query works. cpu loader returned to working state for adapters. device option added for trad ml datasets. ([`132d09e`](
* cpu loader for trad ml datasets not fast enough... keeping scripts in case we need to try again later ([`5288a88`](
* prefetch option added ([`eb485a4`](
* trad datasets fast now, single batch processing ([`4f7aa44`](
* dup svr and rf images ([`95bfbef`](
* add coercion to numeric ([`615d43b`](
* elastic net plot update ([`34da706`](
* 1e05 random 6579 ([`84dbed5`](
* rf plots update ([`274051d`](
* notes and copy trad ml to interactions ([`1209b19`](
* added max genome size one hot for random ([`4b61a98`](
* update configs ([`5bbc4f9`](
* Merge branch &39;temp-branch&39; ([`2f8c28a`](
* update smf-dmf-tmf datasets and recompute random ([`d68da47`](
* update query ([`7d782da`](
* config up ([`1ac2d86`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`8d7b435`](
* cpu module ([`a34f979`](
* trad save update ([`d1c7d8b`](
* gh troubleshoot cpu loading speed ([`7bb0b6b`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`493e8e6`](
* trad save update ([`d460b63`](
* kuzmin 2020 raw dataset added bc science blocks automated download ([`cf3098f`](
* gh trad ([`b55391a`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`9ae509c`](
* added slurm script for dataset compute. ([`3ae39b4`](
* trad ml int datasets works ([`ec43daf`](
* note update ([`66a8822`](
* fixed query to use maps, now it should be general beyond just finess. works on interactions. ([`9ea27ed`](
* adjust the p_value on reference to None ([`f8f4242`](
* update setup ([`22f5631`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`557ad46`](
* kg build kuzmin 2018 dmi tmi ([`b703504`](
* task note update ([`e68423e`](
* adjust typing info on Deduplicator ([`c40f781`](
* delete superfluous config. ([`0318ea3`](
* combine appears to be working reasonably well now. ([`88a1333`](
* rm problematic r2py ([`ce56ebd`](
* deepdiff to reqs ([`89017b4`](
* combine is working ([`8441ad0`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`cb381c5`](
* less io test ([`a5f9692`](
* biocypher combine ([`d62e5c2`](
* more conservative on settings ([`156fc61`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`afc8e71`](
* added dmi kg ([`1d2d5de`](
* config update ([`65ebf5b`](
* kg config update ([`381e80c`](
* conservative on memory reduction. ([`0ba4a2f`](
* revert to reducing loader_batch_size ([`e870dbd`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`de2c5e1`](
* config ([`a186149`](
* config update ([`633fd57`](
* chunk 1e5 ([`a2e1583`](
* update config ([`e21ad34`](
* kg ([`5c9df50`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`30ab9e8`](
* gh slurm update ([`8c797a0`](
* /Users/michaelvolk/Documents/projects/torchcell/torchcell/adapters/ ([`64a2d2c`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`529800d`](
* scale up, alt params ([`4425816`](
* update wandb reqs ([`aa97972`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`74acaa3`](
* scale ([`ab16fc8`](
* log table ([`e7b235b`](
* refactor for memory reduction ([`686ebfb`](
* testing costanzo adapter for refactor. ([`8084966`](
* notes and build testing tweaks ([`717cbd7`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1a96eba`](
* kg added ([`ac0e3b3`](
* revert ([`92873ea`](
* configs ([`89e4d6f`](
* moving configs ([`ddce27a`](
* chage setup ([`641e1d7`](
* readonly tc-neo4j ([`b1ba580`](
* more dmi costanzo ([`4b7cc16`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`062368e`](
* configs ([`ef8b5dd`](
* tmi local build ([`dcbb453`](
* update adapters ([`49521f2`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`7c60992`](
* kgs ([`1cb46f8`](
* bump chunk size with more mem on gh ([`9961b98`](
* naming update and pring cpus bc they don&39;t match slurm ([`f5c8181`](
* changed main for some quick tests ([`4a6a511`](
* gene interaction kg small ([`9f7a273`](
* fix doi for pub only ([`db675bc`](
* mentions ([`a362f7d`](
* update ontology ([`89f41d8`](
* include configs in toml ([`12d073b`](
* rm scratch ([`fad1842`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`18e7ac2`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`7b3a9d9`](
* update advertised address ([`92133e4`](
* adapter configs ([`4280372`](
* synthetic lethality and rescue datasets added ([`c7991ed`](
* refactor for label statistic ([`d58fd94`](
* add sgd dataset ([`e0a76b6`](
* fix imports and typing ([`d85452e`](
* fix imports ([`5e64000`](
* move typing into schema ([`f04a34d`](
* pub info to graph ([`f3dfc28`](
* add pub info ([`8d53b0d`](
* gene essentiality to schema + pub validation ([`276af68`](
* interactions datasets working ([`c68779a`](
* config refactor note ([`9bdd9fa`](
* minimal kg updated ([`74dde8c`](
* smf costanzo 2016 kg for testing and refactor ([`b03fb2b`](
* interactions datasets added ([`9bfcdd0`](
* data registry working ([`9eab5aa`](
* neo4j conf fix, db mac works ([`d43dbc9`](
* dataset added to biocypher yaml schema ([`3269e86`](
* schema updated for gene interactions ([`5b2d3d0`](
* don&39;t need dataset property ([`d4f8eee`](
* build from branch and ensure dbms_read_only ([`23e77d8`](
* update pydantic ver ([`af77c26`](
* added db ([`2ddd8c4`](
* notes ([`e502dc1`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`f336b4e`](
* update kg small conf ([`a71bd5d`](
* print ([`8843524`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`590de5c`](
* env path update so we can switch between debug and production ([`33d75d5`](
* persistent db changes ([`1278706`](
* move env so we can pass path to envs... might just want to swtich purely config for this... need env for neo4j ([`d1db21f`](
* modular builds ([`4361052`](
* rolled back chown ([`46abe88`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`cd9bdbd`](
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`b587951`](
* hyper build works ([`a19453b`](
* notes ([`78da6b9`](