
Latest version: v0.2.8

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Page 2 of 6



* BLD reqs txt ([`35c6b88`](



* BLD: docker image buildx ([`d2a630f`](


* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`2dea5ce`](

* RF updates ([`9fcb728`](

* tasks ([`8150ca3`](

* build update ([`833a56e`](

* configs ([`9e35f25`](

* troubleshoot env ([`95bc8b5`](

* .env trbl shoot ([`1ba8319`](

* tbl output dir ([`797774c`](

* troubleshoot no env vars ([`23546c7`](

* gh build ([`55af864`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`34e8ebd`](

* random forest update and pics ([`170d2e9`](

* plot update ([`5595865`](

* first working rf num_params plot ([`6ff9f4d`](

* RF plot update ([`c35489e`](

* rf plot update ([`6aab279`](

* some permission issue ([`b39c0dd`](

* trbleshoot types ([`826ef13`](

* only 10 cpus for now for resrouce allocation issues ([`a047fd0`](

* RF updates ([`991e439`](

* getting rf to work ([`d458b74`](

* tcdb build for gh ([`4961b6c`](

* gh workspace usability. ([`fc41dc0`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`39f8c79`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`70a54e7`](

* configs slurms ([`883e980`](

* update RF ([`322ea4f`](

* gene_count bar plot ([`063cb16`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`b413ea9`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1664dce`](

* RF 1e05 indiv embed configs and slurms ([`3dd01a9`](

* codon frequency and chrom pathways rf 1e05 completed ([`cb8d635`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`6663827`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`99e13b2`](

* individual deep set sweeps and rf 1e05 ([`3b8be47`](

* RF update ([`0f6a3bc`](

* trad image update plus histograms ([`2f4500a`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ddeb9ec`](

* update data dir logging and made offline ([`fe055a3`](

* update sync note ([`8525d43`](

* experiment dir ([`6446d4b`](

* task note updated ([`0eb3fb1`](

* update bin width ([`55f4be1`](

* dataset size histograms ([`570a19a`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4c5ecf7`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`b1653ee`](

* task notes ([`df2d35e`](

* update plots add run_id ([`62f8700`](

* /Users/michaelvolk/opt/miniconda3/envs/torchcell/bin/python /Users/michaelvolk/Documents/projects/torchcell/experiments/smf-dmf-tmf-001/ ([`176fdcf`](

* slurm update ([`727c8fc`](

* configs slurm ([`1eaa4f7`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ee83018`](

* configs update ([`e986c31`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`90b7b59`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`8c77f26`](

* first gh scripts ([`98b0232`](

* rf plots and data ([`19e40a1`](

* update svr plotting ([`d5e5d8e`](

* renaming ([`439de13`](

* svr plotting looks good but incomplete ([`dc49d8a`](

* svr temp plots ([`fa20e57`](

* svr plot temp ([`709cce4`](

* configs and slurms ([`39b37a9`](

* configs ([`36e3c29`](

* query raw read only typo ([`606c777`](

* update query to inlude readonly ([`8eae695`](

* read only on post attr init lmdb open ([`4e58155`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`002308f`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`6853f4a`](

* think we have write access issue for hp sweeping with lmdb, post init confitional for read write. ([`ecffec2`](

* updated elastic net ([`e09d543`](

* configs ([`4dd7574`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`45ccac8`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`34d66b3`](

* some images, random, and deep set ([`2f828a9`](

* notes update ([`7a64e8b`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`78aff2a`](

* workspace update ([`236357c`](

* workspace ([`3b9e7b9`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`a4a238b`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ccab719`](

* figures + workspace update ([`a959d2d`](

* access report and note clean up ([`89fa5b8`](

* slurms ([`dc43900`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4d3686a`](

* train log, fold log ([`d41c6db`](

* update sweeps ([`5240fd6`](

* slurm update ([`21c78ca`](

* rf fix ([`4b9c4ea`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`fa417e4`](

* image dump ([`0b02c93`](

* subset sweeps ([`60694e0`](

* is_cross_validated ([`38c6eae`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`acb7f03`](

* slurm scripts ([`0980196`](

* figures ([`f96c62a`](

* trad ([`314d318`](

* rest of 1e3 1e4 calm embedding images ([`18c046d`](

* partially done calm and one_hot ([`6d45718`](

* calm trad ml ([`a04eaa8`](

* calm datasets ([`2e388ad`](

* calm added ([`7ecd177`](

* params on rf and elastic ([`cad0cba`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`07936b0`](

* add num_params ([`da0a18f`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`7723250`](

* figure ideas ([`bc7a67c`](

* n jobs ([`5ca5dd4`](

* random forest online ([`cd266b5`](

* wandb trouble ([`f20a046`](

* error to output in logs ([`536b456`](

* trad ml sweeps ([`94819b9`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`75dfd5c`](

* notes update ([`cfb18f6`](

* wandb osh hooks ([`158e964`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`04d307e`](

* trad ml 1e5 imgage dump no one_hot 1e5 bc crash ([`2efb374`](

* trad ml updates ([`348bce3`](

* traditional ml ([`d8da958`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`562c123`](

* fig 2 trad ml outline ([`c68cbc3`](

* fudt_downstream, fudt_upstream, prot_T5_all, prot_T5_no_dubious embedding plots and data ([`caa203e`](

* codon frequency 1e05 complete ([`022fea5`](

* max epochs mistake! fixed. ([`c52cf4f`](

* more sweeps to split up work, and deep set 15 for trying sweep fingers crossed. ([`ee675d8`](

* deep set 14 ([`f1d6336`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`8426443`](

* sweep_14 testing on Delta ([`976f567`](

* traditional ml 1e4 plots ([`df25050`](

* trad ml ([`c4f676d`](

* note dump ([`9669079`](

* temp commented ([`325d453`](

* plot adjustment and node_embeddings config fix ([`54c6ac8`](

* config 1e3 worked so corrected all ([`926f00e`](

* images from 1e3 ([`23ebaac`](

* creating traditional ml datasets and embedding projector plots ([`f218942`](

* updating batch size ([`db2e6a4`](

* wandb finish added to trainer. ([`36a1500`](

* simplify network ([`9cb3483`](

* fixed alpha ([`4370035`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`6bdc319`](

* smaller network ([`e0316c2`](

* change alpha on list mle ([`694abf2`](

* some node embeddings were deleted leading to invalid scripts ([`90ee956`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e610365`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`6035831`](

* some model trys update, notes, sweeps ([`92a01c2`](

* self attention sag rough draft ([`73604e6`](

* configs ([`7d4d6b3`](

* deep_set sweep 12 ([`ea2d91d`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`7f4dfbd`](

* alpha to config ([`e9e081a`](

* trying grid sweep ([`8f943f7`](

* grid over 10e4 multi gpu ([`261be19`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`3ee7317`](

* 11 adjust ([`dd99877`](

* self attention deep set update, and self attention SAG ([`6930122`](

* update sweeps ([`a175fce`](

* genome data root hack ([`98f75bb`](

* exp 11 deepset ([`f4f5229`](

* exp 10 ([`a6b9e53`](

* deepset and list mle ([`9d3f464`](

* mlp reparameterized. ([`0269bf2`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`5ef40a2`](

* sweep 09 ([`b035d8e`](

* 09 sweep ([`db63c93`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c0b0162`](

* A100 interactive and update sweep 7 agent dir and wandb core ([`8d0db90`](

* SupConReg loss ([`4f50e1c`](

* deep set ([`7e704aa`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1f47d26`](

* single gpu sweep test ([`4dbc243`](

* update to 3 epochs, slurm script ([`069fe90`](

* added gpus to avoid mps error on no_dubious ([`c0b1fc9`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`17a437d`](

* slurm job ([`95035c2`](

* sweep update ([`0561bc9`](

* config sweep 06 ([`0f47826`](

* experiment ready, SGD one hot working ([`4561238`](

* we can now use numerical features of sgd gene graph ([`009a856`](

* remove commetts ([`32ce0f1`](

* remove old comments related to numpy ([`c9febb7`](

* annotations ([`b0b643b`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`12748fc`](

* updated esm embedding appears to work fine. ([`3788874`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`3702926`](

* esm2 embeddings for smf-dmf-tmf-001 ([`42eb4a5`](

* note update ([`5659bcd`](

* trying to be all tensor no numpy ([`262d2bb`](

* handle categorical vars in the specific caset. embedding.pts and in processed. ([`bff1cb6`](

* format deep_set ([`1f997fe`](

* added pathway histogram for justification of including categoricals ([`652fce8`](

* notes on annotations ([`6bf7bb9`](

* how was numpy not removed yet.. removed ([`89e12dc`](

* bringing embeddings into training file... not done fixing them ([`db72aa1`](

* SGD node feature embedding ([`9172aac`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e9c7766`](

* modify sweep 02 ([`17e5f9c`](

* modify opt 02 ([`423e3b5`](

* nt back to batch=1 ([`f624bf5`](

* nt dataset ([`4543b14`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ca968ca`](

* batch size 2 after GPU oom ([`c2898f1`](

* nt esm embeddings to devices for delta 3B and 15B models ([`e296d1f`](

* notes ([`4005df2`](

* esm dataset working ([`9d252ad`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`123bc4d`](

* name fix ([`c7cdbde`](

* adjust time for full ([`52d0afc`](

* pesk g on mem, nt full embeddings ([`4074829`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`634cff4`](

* nt slurm back to default ([`96c8c0c`](

* notes and sweeps for checking failure modes ([`114e453`](

* nt typo ([`e96238e`](

* nt transformer all undersize ([`1861d31`](

* notes on docker_v_m1_study_001 ([`68e9ac6`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`539a080`](

* small gene_set nt test ([`3246b97`](

* trying to take entire A40 for nt embeddings ([`7c76509`](

* loader over 1e4 ([`8aa23ea`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`87a6ea0`](

* nt cpu script ([`c6b83cd`](

* notes ([`b978aca`](

* nt separate out compute script to avoid sys warning ([`7827138`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c8fbbd1`](

* nucleotide_transformer no os make dir ([`f1b8a96`](

* print in main ([`624e867`](

* 1 task per node ([`6bca118`](

* task notes ([`ce7f5bd`](

* deep set parameter count for before sweeps wip ([`7eef89a`](

* deep_set reparameterization ([`6d9dfc2`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`6296441`](

* workspace 1 task per node. ([`f52beca`](

* prints on nt for better logging ([`105424b`](

* nt failed oom, maxed out mem ([`237952a`](

* reset nt slurm to base ([`0c2e11f`](

* specifying chunk_size optoin ([`8b5a6d3`](

* nt transformer update ([`372cbb7`](

* rename to deep_set ([`9ccff91`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`1abd576`](

* exp 12 ([`a39f38d`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`3db9108`](

* slurm nt to A40 ([`a1c40db`](

* loader_opt notes reflected in deepset_sweep_01.yaml ([`ad1d8ce`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`98c4faf`](

* exp 11 ([`5583f4e`](

* exp 10 ([`0ae280a`](

* data root on nt transformer ([`53c5cd2`](

* tag note refactor ([`9572b44`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`2851842`](

* exp 9 ([`98d32c8`](

* nt update ([`0a28626`](

* exp 8 ([`2cebe55`](

* agent logs and gpu and job name identification ([`1097fa3`](

* nt update batch dim ([`488f20a`](

* nt added data root ([`dadac8f`](

* todays note update ([`a9d39c9`](

* nucleotide transformer gpu opt ([`dcf212f`](

* small test changes, clearing stage ([`32a2943`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`bdbeedd`](

* exp 7 ([`c0c5501`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4123cb1`](

* exp 6 ([`5bc1b17`](

* query typo ([`9b25e65`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`ff3dbf0`](

* update sweep 02 for run that works will also be faster. ([`5343d12`](

* exp 5 ([`c98e096`](

* exp 4 ([`b0039ad`](

* loader opt ([`3494f83`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`2a25dfa`](

* exp3 4e3 ([`c590176`](

* exp 2 6e3 chunk size ([`6d6f247`](

* deepset update ([`3591dc8`](

* patched up circular import by not initializing the dataset registry ([`d961893`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4cda195`](

* remove calm from req txt ([`8398f53`](

* try test of 64 cpu again ([`8c203a3`](

* fixed imports of datasets ([`e88b4df`](

* CaLM embeddings ([`5a4b0fe`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`0ffc0ae`](

* chaning back to 64 cpu for comparison ([`99c32f0`](

* calm embedding working, comment out other graphs for 64 cpu test on Delta ([`671bb4b`](

* data_list.append(data) creates semaphore error ([`7b8077e`](

* dataset register and calm embedding with semaphore error ([`84d5eb7`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`0fdd0c8`](

* update conf ([`1f34eb4`](

* update regression ([`4b582a3`](

* update script ([`dbd0e64`](

* sMerge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`8da0cf1`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`d111e6c`](

* update slurm and db build yaml ([`c0d53ea`](

* changes to sweep ([`a0d90a6`](

* embedding and encoding modes, build yaml adjustments ([`aed6074`](

* docker v m1 ([`244132d`](

* clean up + wandb logging in cell adapter ([`4f32fde`](

* full kg rebuild with best found parameters ([`f452d40`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`a951614`](

* update config ([`ece39cd`](

* data loading grid ([`33aef18`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`076a9a3`](

* exp 16 ([`d92f1b6`](

* exp 15 ([`fa29948`](

* exp 14 ([`aa86301`](

* exp 13 ([`7b5e8e7`](

* experiment ready ([`3592e67`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`2d8f7fc`](

* exp 12 ([`e4260cc`](

* exp 11 ([`446d3ce`](

* exp 10 ([`9903743`](

* exp 9 ([`069107a`](

* exp 8 ([`9d7ba2b`](

* exp 7 ([`251c631`](

* exp 6 ([`d84c1f5`](

* torchcell/knowledge_graphs/conf/kg.yaml ([`b436a0a`](

* exp 1 ([`962a25c`](

* exp 4 ([`ef953e1`](

* exp number 3 ([`1da16ac`](

* tcdb builds exp 2 ([`4a9b320`](

* deepset sweeps working locally ([`5cbd693`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`bb8d95c`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`61eff8d`](

* dump... minimal experiment working, tdcb build parameters ([`7d0d08f`](

* linux tcdb cpu and mem fixed. ([`27b424b`](

* 48 cpu, 1.0 ratios ([`5c910ff`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`05588da`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e09fb0f`](

* process_workers upddated ([`4ad83b1`](

* reduced processes ([`f2322c6`](

* reduce processor cpus ([`8fcb03a`](

* 5e3 chunk size ([`8ff3f96`](

* 1e5 exp ([`49167e6`](

* 1e4 processors and 0.5 io worker ratio ([`447c995`](

* hadn&39;t run 1e3 yet ([`fba7b90`](

* up to 1e4 since moving cpus ([`008e54c`](

* kg.yaml comments ([`ef1a809`](

* chunk size 1e3 ([`149527e`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c4f294a`](

* setting cpus to max according to docs ([`f3ddde6`](

* setting cpus to max according to docs ([`89cb7c1`](

* forgot new configs in kg ([`f77ef41`](

* kg_small going to 120 cpu ([`51cad57`](

* compute_workers to process_workers ([`5cfec43`](

* in a scramble to get things done and need clean wp ([`961cced`](

* reconfig not using all workers for compute, reverting a bit but with more config control ([`3f32cc0`](

* reduce chunk_size for docker and reduce subset_n to be more like dmf_kuzmin. ([`ad659a2`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`f4b209f`](

* bumped tcdb slurm time to 2 days ([`b75af08`](

* kg_small update 40 min on M1 ([`4c78369`](

* kg_small config update ([`abe28ea`](

* 20% decrease on size ([`c22a5cf`](

* notes update ([`b08c929`](

* major changes working out neo4j_cell ([`c70ebba`](

* aggregated deletion ([`a17a4b2`](

* added mean perturbation deleteion... should probably be AggDeletionPerturbation ([`14c0fbf`](

* distinguish between io and compute workers ([`44894bf`](

* note dump ([`1086c7d`](

* settings on plots ([`9bbf705`](

* precomupting index for later... not sure how useful this is. ([`139164b`](

* oom on both local and delta dropping chunk size ([`f5c0abe`](

* forgot () on hex ([`dbdf364`](

* kg_small rebuild ([`0c9d502`](

* data chunk on ref experiment edge ([`24a9397`](

* forgot to rename file. ([`871b6b1`](

* print instead of log in cell_adapter ([`c701718`](

* small test on kg_small before delta run. ([`95a2452`](

* dmf adapter reverted to same as all others test. ([`858fb00`](

* database wtih write_edges DmfCostanzo2016 dead cpu time test part 2 ([`f66e815`](

* nodes only DmfCostanzo2016, investigating dead cpu time ([`b9e7aa8`](

* [[2024.03.25 - Some Cpus Not Utilized Because How We Set Workers|dendron://torchcell/torchcell.knowledge_graphs.create_scerevisiae_kg20240325---some-cpus-not-utilized-because-how-we-set-workers]] ([`f145539`](

* not update ([`bddfae9`](

* uncomment DmfCostanzo for full small_kg local ([`35eb31d`](

* try larger chunk local ([`f111132`](

* split out configs for different kg ([`3eb65c0`](

* fix perturbation nodes ([`d1ddfcf`](

* retry last ([`f8c65e5`](

* tryin no dmf on small kg for bad entry isolation ([`a5ad632`](

* note update ([`2c2dea9`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`62edc74`](

* notes on mp in gene_set and eri, bash delete file name for clearer fail on bulk import ([`3186232`](

* trying to add SSL_CERT_FILE for ssl bug on apptainer biocypher ([`1b82315`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`0d68dc9`](

* build linux update remove docker confusion ([`5831cf5`](

* num_workers for io_workers for more threading ([`c53166b`](

* num_workers to io_workers for clear thread vs process distinction ([`6c37a55`](

* using loader for computing gene_set and eri ([`976aaf2`](

* num_workers super ([`49a90db`](

* parallel gene_set eri attempt ([`5aae79c`](

* fixed import ([`94d58a3`](

* more cleaning imports ([`6177e98`](

* more import cleaning ([`040c3fc`](

* clean adapter imports ([`f17dc46`](

* import correct ([`edbd1f7`](

* reverting to sequential processing on experimental_referece_index and gene_set ([`9b92618`](

* dump, neo4j db raw, harmoizing db, neorj cell dataset, tcdb broken, fixed broken experiment reference index by reverting from multiprocessing ([`991c8d1`](

* add config to docker neo4j db ([`db03f9b`](

* missing import ([`34f2129`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`82d9a24`](

* need to be more diligent on name refactoring ... ([`5e7d08d`](

* indent bug on pertubation genotype edges only giving first pertubation. This broke querying based on perturbation types. ([`26170fd`](

* neo4j_qeury_raw works in __name__ ([`81c212d`](

* query can now pass params into cql ([`b9a2684`](

* neo4j_cell working but rough, good enough to run first experiments and enough ideas to later abstract. We can most likely stick with the basic structure to reduce changes. ([`ce7b1af`](

* neo4j_query_raw good enough ([`ad505d5`](

* Neo4j Query Raw added and working ([`fc04137`](

* bash scripts update with biocypher-out protected and fresh fixed ([`23886cf`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`f0171be`](

* docker cpu flag ([`477d0f7`](

* error with no file found went away local docker ([`e1086f9`](

* troubleshoot docker ([`1c1f0c7`](

* changed wrong batch size previous, now batch of adapter lowered and chunk size ([`068519f`](

* update of slurm job id log to str ([`417006d`](

* smaller batch size for costanzo ([`0de8967`](

* run failed but want local diff view to double check working params for successful build. ([`717836c`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e9c3ab7`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`eaf68dc`](

* node id fix ([`10b5265`](

* 96 cpu ([`fc33306`](

* mem 240g cpus per task 128 ([`80aa5af`](

* update kg ([`abe2fb3`](

* small and large graph builds ([`efa49bc`](

* notes and frontmatter update ([`78d9efe`](

* separated out small for large graphs, build large on delta and small locally for query testing ([`3614db5`](

* entire database build ([`d54b737`](

* wandb finish ([`df6dfb2`](

* change to txt file because it is clearer that file isn&39;t log, and rm logs dir prefix ([`495dee5`](

* just using standard io is simpler ([`f2296bc`](

* update git ignore to remove lots of db stuff ([`0ee8701`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`609afaa`](

* small naming update ([`fb7b92a`](

* change log path and compute params ([`92e9686`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`e8eada2`](

* path typo ([`d6827b4`](

* working now logging inside hydra, putting into logs and doing full check ([`43beb5f`](

* moved logging inside hydra ([`d08b27c`](

* sanity check log file standard io write ([`0096112`](

* fix path typo ([`fac35c7`](

* update logging to fix bix, made typo ([`96f8849`](

* stop log propagation ([`a11ef04`](

* update bash for file_name log ([`5ed1f60`](

* overwriting file_name log ([`6f590dd`](

* file logger for capturing output ([`92ca460`](

* graph creation output fix attempt ([`db6efc4`](

* loggin wandb api key try again ([`e280bf3`](

* api key needed in docker for wandb logging ([`e379497`](

* create kg small profiled on M1, now onto Delta profile. prof with wandb. ([`d746ede`](

* delta test whole graph ([`bb84eb9`](

* costanzo 1e6 dataset profile on delta ([`1cc30ea`](

* create full graph ([`8525305`](

* update workers ([`3730db3`](

* experiment multiprocess experiment, thread io lmdb ([`4173f46`](

* multiprocess on experiment, threads on write ([`7ae1cd6`](

* add yaml to package data in toml ([`d0fa041`](

* update manifest to include config yaml ([`14ffe82`](

* large kb test ([`a965dde`](

* trying to use all workers for writing lmdb chunks and writing experimental reference index ([`98df92f`](

* parallelized experiment_reference_index ([`9a4bc0c`](

* threaded writer ([`c27581a`](

* DmfCostanzo won&39;t finish, trying new parameters to test ([`e583d6d`](

* running whole graph delta test ([`9015144`](

* cell adapter multiprocessing delta test ([`e36dd03`](

* 0.8x threads delta text ([`2704033`](



* FEAT: bump feat to auto correct pypi ([`db9bd13`](



* BLD: refactor datasets and adapaters ([`6dad8d8`](


* next bump software version, bump image version ([`902269f`](

* kuzmin dataset refactored ([`d1058a0`](

* refactor of dataset ([`71a89c5`](

* db build scripts ([`f340c1c`](

* DmfCostanzoAdapter working. Had to add: transform item function, and make sure that the dataset is model.dumping ([`f6257dd`](

* deleted scratch note ([`8b895ea`](

* costanzo adapter working ([`bcfa141`](

* workspace open random note script ([`ceeb187`](

* workspace update ([`fbf3ac9`](

* note update ([`4b25bbd`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`4f56d85`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`36840fe`](

* update config for more mem on interactive cpu ([`0fdc64b`](

* Custom Data Loader threading, working SmfCostanzo2016 ([`ebebede`](

* notes update ([`c0dbf52`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`9ac3112`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`9a3d0b4`](

* updated build ([`7ca15ba`](

* update remote build ([`c0d0724`](

* notes update ([`1b3a895`](

* update schema config ([`0c0f6d2`](

* checking node write speed on delta ([`92fa143`](

* tasks update ([`e480079`](

* SmfCostanzo2016 get_nodes refactor with base class. All three optimizations implemented. ([`e1b2baa`](

* custom loader delta test ([`741f862`](

* remove error... needs to run delta iter test again ([`e8e33a1`](

* trying to iterative over, didn&39;t before, dcell test, no write ([`b257139`](

* iteration of all fitness delta test ([`3b4f266`](

* no writing of nodes, just iteration for delta test ([`98911ea`](

* print out num workers ([`efe7417`](

* only smf for delta speed test ([`8440797`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`7cbb6bf`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`c487a88`](

* linux amd troubleshooting and simplification via bash script ([`2775c66`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`d0e6fc6`](

* build slurm script update ([`6f9857d`](

* workers for slurm ([`f6628ab`](

* all small delta test ([`5ca61e7`](

* task note update and frontmatter ([`dbfd86e`](

* switching logging to printing so we can try to suppress the prints in getting bash script in apptainer sif ([`d9fe49c`](

* rever to small with only SmfKuzmin ([`ebc79d8`](

* local m1 small build complete. ([`9469ff4`](

* TmfKuzmin2018Adapter test ([`a504d2c`](

* fixed interactive mode, DmfKuzmin2018Adapter test ([`e16fe48`](

* comments update ([`d30d335`](

* SmfKuzmin2018Adapter test import ([`d22fc50`](

* DmfCostanzo2016Adapter_1e5 test import ([`5f3f59e`](

* SmfCostanzo2016 test ([`b090706`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;refs/remotes/origin/main&39; ([`57bb9e3`](



* MAINT: scipy parser ([`5475aa1`](


* close_lmdb before parallelization every time after data is accessed in class methods ([`872daea`](

* drawings and build ([`0c07330`](

* update builds ([`333f38c`](

* update output dir again according the .env in local v docker, updated .env ([`72ad28c`](

* update output dir ([`913cee6`](

* update graph to working smf kuzmin ([`0781e27`](

* perfecting the config ([`8b3b0b0`](

* docker local first small build bulk import ([`80ea50d`](

* builds for delta matching local database pattern ([`2dcc4d4`](

* note typos ([`3d30103`](

* versioning SOP note ([`a9e741c`](



* fix: bumpversion example, lots of db local-packages ([`ee61890`](

* removed python publish since cannot condition on semantic release ([`78683c8`](

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