
Latest version: v4.24.2

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- ``tox --version`` now shows information about all registered plugins - by
`obestwalter <>`_
(`544 <>`_)


- ``skip_install`` overrides ``usedevelop`` (``usedevelop`` is an option to
choose the installation type if the package is installed and ``skip_install``
determines if it should be installed at all) - by `ferdonline <>`_
(`571 <>`_)


- `635 <>`_ inherit from correct exception -
by `obestwalter <>`_
(`635 <>`_).
- spelling and escape sequence fixes - by `scoop <>`_
(`637 <>`_ and
`638 <>`_).
- add a badge to show build status of documentation on -
by `obestwalter <>`_.


- add `towncrier <>`_ to allow adding
changelog entries with the pull requests without generating merge conflicts;
with this release notes are now grouped into four distinct collections:
``Features``, ``Bugfixes``, ``Improved Documentation`` and ``Deprecations and
Removals``. (`614 <>`_)



- `466 <>`_: stop env var leakage if popen failed with resultjson or redirect



- `pull request 599 <>`_: fix problems with implementation of `#515 <>`_.
Substitutions from other sections were not made anymore if they were not in ``envlist``.
Thanks to Clark Boylan (`cboylan <>`_) for helping to get this fixed (`pull request 597 <>`_).



- `276 <>`_: Remove easy_install from docs (TL;DR: use pip). Thanks Martin Andrysík (`sifuraz <>`_).

- `301 <>`_: Expand nested substitutions in ``tox.ini``. Thanks `vlaci <>`_. Thanks to Eli Collins
(`eli-collins <>`_) for creating a reproducer.

- `315 <>`_: add ``--help`` and ``--version`` to helptox-quickstart. Thanks `vlaci <>`_.

- `326 <>`_: Fix ``OSError`` 'Not a directory' when creating env on Jython 2.7.0. Thanks Nick Douma (`LordGaav <>`_).

- `429 <>`_: Forward ``MSYSTEM`` by default on Windows. Thanks Marius Gedminas (`mgedmin <>`_) for reporting this.

- `449 <>`_: add multi platform example to the docs. Thanks Aleks Bunin (`sashkab <>`_) and `rndr <>`_.

- `474 <>`_: Start using setuptools_scm for tag based versioning.

- `484 <>`_: Renamed ``py.test`` to ``pytest`` throughout the project. Thanks Slam (`3lnc <>`_).

- `504 <>`_: With ``-a``: do not show additional environments header if there are none. Thanks `rndr <>`_.

- `515 <>`_: Don't require environment variables in test environments where they are not used.
Thanks André Caron (`AndreLouisCaron <>`_).
- `517 <>`_: Forward ``NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS`` by default on Windows to fix ``multiprocessor.cpu_count()``.
Thanks André Caron (`AndreLouisCaron <>`_).

- `518 <>`_: Forward ``USERPROFILE`` by default on Windows. Thanks André Caron (`AndreLouisCaron <>`_).

- `pull request 528 <>`_: Fix some of the warnings displayed by pytest 3.1.0. Thanks Bruno Oliveira (`nicoddemus <>`_).

- `pull request 547 <>`_: Add regression test for `#137 <>`_. Thanks Martin Andrysík (`sifuraz <>`_).

- `pull request 553 <>`_: Add an XFAIL test to reproduce upstream bug `#203 <>`_. Thanks
Bartolomé Sánchez Salado (`bartsanchez <>`_).

- `pull request 556 <>`_: Report more meaningful errors on why virtualenv creation failed. Thanks `vlaci <>`_.
Also thanks to Igor Sadchenko (`igor-sadchenko <>`_) for pointing out a problem with that PR
before it hit the masses ☺

- `pull request 575 <>`_: Add announcement doc to end all announcement docs
(using only ``CHANGELOG`` and Github issues since 2.5 already).

- `pull request 580 <>`_: Do not ignore Sphinx warnings anymore. Thanks Bernát Gábor (`gaborbernat <>`_).

- `pull request 585 <>`_: Expand documentation to explain pass through of flags from deps to pip
(e.g. ``-rrequirements.txt``, ``-cconstraints.txt``). Thanks Alexander Loechel (`loechel <>`_).

- `pull request 588 <>`_: Run pytest with xfail_strict and adapt affected tests.



- `pull request 450 <>`_: Stop after the first installdeps and first testenv create hooks
succeed. This changes the default behaviour of ``tox_testenv_create`` and ``tox_testenv_install_deps`` to not execute other registered hooks when the first hook returns a result that is not ``None``.
Thanks Anthony Sottile (`asottile <>`_).

- `271 <>`_ and `#464 <>`_:
Improve environment information for users.

New command line parameter: ``-a`` show **all** defined environments -
not just the ones defined in (or generated from) envlist.

New verbosity settings for ``-l`` and ``-a``: show user defined descriptions
of the environments. This also works for generated environments from factors
by concatenating factor descriptions into a complete description.

Note that for backwards compatibility with scripts using the output of ``-l``
it's output remains unchanged.

Thanks Bernát Gábor (`gaborbernat <>`_).

- `464 <>`_: Fix incorrect egg-info location for modified package_dir in
Thanks Selim Belhaouane (`selimb <>`_).

- `431 <>`_: Add 'LANGUAGE' to default passed environment variables.
Thanks Paweł Adamczak (`pawelad <>`_).

- `455 <>`_: Add a Vagrantfile with a customized Arch Linux box for local testing.
Thanks Oliver Bestwalter (`obestwalter <>`_).

- `454 <>`_: Revert `pull request 407 <>`_, empty commands is not treated as an error.
Thanks Anthony Sottile (`asottile <>`_).

- `446 <>`_: (infrastructure) Travis CI tests for tox now also run on OS X now.
Thanks Jason R. Coombs (`jaraco <>`_).



- add "alwayscopy" config option to instruct virtualenv to always copy
files instead of symlinking. Thanks Igor Duarte Cardoso (`igordcard <>`_).

- pass setenv variables to during a usedevelop install.
Thanks Eli Collins (`eli-collins <>`_).

- replace all references to with readthedocs ones.
Thanks Oliver Bestwalter (`obestwalter <>`_).

- fix `323 <>`_ by avoiding virtualenv14 is not used on py32
(although we don't officially support py32).
Thanks Jason R. Coombs (`jaraco <>`_).

- add Python 3.6 to envlist and CI.
Thanks Andrii Soldatenko (`andriisoldatenko <>`_).

- fix glob resolution from TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV env variable
Thanks Allan Feldman (`a-feld <>`_).

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