- fix `258 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/258>`_, fix `#248 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/248>`_, fix `#253 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/253>`_: for non-test commands
(installation, venv creation) we pass in the full invocation environment.
- remove experimental --set-home option which was hardly used and
hackily implemented (if people want home-directory isolation we should
figure out a better way to do it, possibly through a plugin)
- fix `259 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/259>`_: passenv is now a line-list which allows interspersing
comments. Thanks stefano-m.
- allow envlist to be a multi-line list, to intersperse comments
and have long envlist settings split more naturally. Thanks Andre Caron.
- introduce a TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV setting which is honored
when constructing the set of environment variables for test environments.
Thanks Marc Abramowitz for pushing in this direction.