3. Understand the development plan: https://github.com/sophgo/tpu-mlir/wiki/Roadmap%5BCN%5D
4. Understand the project structure: https://github.com/sophgo/tpu-mlir/wiki/Tutorial%5BCN%5D
5. Try to solve the "good first issue" issues from https://github.com/sophgo/tpu-mlir/issues; they are relatively small and will gradually increase.
6. https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy has many PaddlePaddle models; you can get familiar with TPU-MLIR by adapting the model. ( attention: converting the PaddlePaddle model to ONNX format first.).
7. For technical details, please refer to: https://tpumlir.org/docs/developer_manual/index.html
8. Any questions and suggestions are welcome; everyone can exchange opinions and learn together.