`Supported 'Conv3D', 'Pool3D', 'Pow2(n^x)', 'Softplus', 'GRU', 'Scale' for BM1684, more models available like wenet-encoder.`
`Supported some operations like 'DictConstruct', 'Sub', 'Ones_like', 'Zeros_like', 'ChannelShuffle', 'Activation', 'Conv3d', 'Compare', 'GroupNorm', 'InstanceNorm', 'Clamp' in PyTorchConverter.`
`New ONNX operations in OnnxConverter, like 'GridSample', 'CompareCst'.`
`Supported more dynamic more operations like 'Arg', 'Active', 'Reduce', 'Min', 'Max' for BM1684.`
`Add depth2space to backward pass, 1684x yolov5 postprocess, CopyMultiUseWeight pattern before shape_infer.`
`Improved the previous subnets's type check logic, add some parallel in learning quant.`
**Bug Fixes:**
`Running functions have improved and fixed: weight display problem in visual tool, model_deploy --
test_reference is none.`
`BM1684: fix8b large dilation weight reorder, MulConst, AddConst, SubConst local buffer size, mulshift local buffer.`
`BM1684X: 5dim broadcast add, attention and utest bug, scatternd support 5dim, YoloDetection inference bug, strideslice op need begin_mask/end_mask for dynamic shape.`
`CV18XX: fix gray fuse preprocess, fix TgScaleLutKernel pass.`
`OnnxConverter: convert_add_op fix broadcast channel when r_dim is 1, infer subgraph to get shape and fix attr:'axes' not in squeeze.`
`Others: fix sdk demo problem, hanging prob caused by assert in cmodel, group overlap tensor id error, fix python array with random data.`
**Code Refactoring:**
`Redesigned subnet splitting, sorting, merging and running order.`
`Refine 18xx codegen, conv quantization, gather lowering and debugger's dictionary-structure.`
`Rename bdc to tiu.`
`Reset pattern of onnx subconst op.`
`Simplify layernorm to single output.`
**Documentation Updates:**
`Fix quick_start typo.`
`Update yolov3_tiny output_names.`
`Refine yolov5 postprocess chapter, cv18xx quick start doc.`
**Testing and Verification:**
`Update yolov3 regression test, bayer2RGB model sample, squeezenet_v1.1_cf.`
`Save a copy of bert_base 2.11 version config for cali.`
`Add timeout checkout and model test timeout for test.`
`Add many cv18xx model regression.`
`Align cv18xx detect samples and YOLODetection Func.`