
Latest version: v0.8.6

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- Enhancement: Improved title guessing logic
- Enhancement: (GTK) Several visual improvements and bugfixes
- Enhancement: (MPRIS) Add support for view_offset
- Enhancement: (Qt) Several peformance improvements
- Enhancement: (Win32) Add detection
- Change: (MPRIS) Using pydbus instead of dbus-python
- Change: Added Discord presence hook
- Bugfix: Several Kitsu bugfixes
- Bugfix: Prevent zombie processes
- Bugfix: (Shikimori) Fixed fetch limit and edge cases
- Bugfix: (Tracker) Fixed altname changes
- Bugfix: (MAL) Fixed token refreshing failure
- Bugfix: (MAL) Fixed crash with unknown media types


- Hotfix: (GTK) Fixed account screen for OAuth PKCE (MAL)


- New: Support for MyAnimeList's new API
- New: Implemented Kodi tracker
- New: Implemented Jellyfin tracker
- Enhancement: anime-relations redirection file now gets synced periodically
- Enhancement: (GTK) Several visual enhancements
- Enhancement: (Qt) Several visual and behavior fixes
- Enhancement: (Tracker) Added config to enable/disable the ignoring of episodes (`tracker_ignore_not_next`)
- Enhancement: Added Open Folder support for macOS and Windows
- Bugfix: (Shikimori) Implemented new OAuth authentication method
- Bugfix: (Curses) Avoid crashing UI when given bad regular expression
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Avoid crash when an entry's format or status is unknown
- Bugfix: (Twitter hook) Bugfixes and implementing new API
- Bugfix: (inotify Tracker) Handling crash when a process isn't found on scan
- Bugfix: (Kitsu) Fixed score decimals
- Bugfix: (MPRIS) Fixed issue when metadata changed but status wasn't reported
- Bugfix: Several minor fixes and cleanups


- New: Implemented MPRIS tracker
- New: Implemented support for Taiga-style anime-relations.txt file for proper detection of multiple seasons
- Enhancement: Library now can scan statuses other than Watching
- Enhancement: Now user set Alternate Titles take absolute priority over other titles
- Enhancement: (Anilist) Support for Rewatching status
- Enhancement: (Tracker) Implemented support for timer pausing for trackers that support it
- Enhancement: (inotify Tracker) Tracker now detects if a player is already open when starting
- Enhancement: (Plex tracker) Support for claimed servers
- Enhancement: (Polling tracker) Disabled warnings
- Enhancement: (GTK) Interface refactored and redone to utilize new GTK 3 features (WIP)
- Enhancement: (Qt) Added options for Quick and Full library scan
- Enhancement: (Qt) Only relevant buttons get disabled when the engine is busy
- Bugfix: Fixed bug with search directories not getting home-expanded (~)
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Show synonyms are now fetched (and used by the tracker) properly
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Parsing unknown show formats and statuses
- Bugfix: (CLI) Fixed crashes with some invalid commands
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed Set Score button
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed the saving of columns visibility and size
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed aesthetic issues
- Bugfix: (Qt/VNDB) Fixed Unknown status not working

NOTE TO GIT USERS AND MAINTAINERS: Cloning Trackma now requires the --recursive flag.


- New: (Qt) In-line score and episode editing (Can be disabled)
- Enhancement: (Qt) Using proper MVC, helps performance and usability of lists and filters.
- Enhancement: (Qt) A few shortcuts (Middle-click on list to play next episode, Del key as shortcut for delete show, Double click on card view to view details)
- Enhancement: (Anilist) Retrieving and showing studio information
- Enhancement: (curses) Quit key now gets you out of detail view instead of closing the application
- Bugfix: (Anilist/Qt/GTK) Fixed crash when adding a show with undefined total episodes
- Bugfix: (VNDB) Votes without a corresponding status get added to the Unknown list
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed a few crashes when adding new shows


- New: (Qt) Card view in search dialog
- New: (Qt, Anilist) Search by season
- New: (Anilist) Support for different score formats
- New: Support for multiple media directories
- New: (CLI) Non-interactive mode allowing to run single commands by command line or stdin
- Improvement: Using XDG directory names
- Improvement: (curses) vi-like keybindings
- Improvement: hook updated for Anilist support
- Improvement: Support for forcing the use of a specified tracker_type
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Added Rewatching status
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Fixed crash in Python 2.5
- Bugfix: (Anilist) Fixed Completed list not loading when they are sent split by the server
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed aesthetic bugs in add show dialog
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed crash when using automatic add prompt
- Bugfix: (Qt/GTK) Fixed crash when there's an alpha channel in thumbnails
- Bugfix: (GTK) Fixed crash when PIL is unavailable
- Bugfix: (Kitsu) Fixed start/end dates not being sent
- Bugfix: Fixed tracking not getting cleaned up after account/mediatype change

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