
Latest version: v0.8.6

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- New: Added support (libkitsu, experimental!)
- New: (Tracker) Prompt to add a show if it's not in the list
- Improvement: (Tracker) Tracker status is now shown in a separate line in the status bar
- Improvement: (Tracker) lsof dependency is now necessary only for the polling tracker (uses procfs for inotify)
- Improvement: Autosend interval is now expressed in minutes rather than hours
- Improvement: (CLI) Showing tracker status messages properly now
- Improvement: (curses) Improved default keybinds
- Improvement: (curses) Title bar now shows total shows in list
- Removed: Hummingbird support (switch to Kitsu)
- Removed: Melative support
- Bugfix: (Tracker) Polling tracker only polls the search directory
- Bugfix: (Tracker) Fixing "closed before update" message
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed crash in some cases where thumbnail could not be downloaded
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed not being able to edit tags on just added items
- Bugfix: (curses) Fixed bug when trying to do operations on an empty list
- Bugfix: (GTK) Fixed crash when tracker attempted to change the show status
- Bugfix: Other minor bugfixes, cosmetic changes and code refactoring


- New: Play Next now uses the library instead of rescanning the directory every time
- New: Library auto-rescanning at start
- New: (CLI) command line options
- New: (CLI) new `altname` command
- New: (GTK) Open containing folder functionality
- Improvement: Support for multiple hooks (~/.trackma/hooks/*.py). Please move your file into the `hooks` directory; you can now separate them into several files. See git's `hooks` directory for the modified hook files that reflect this change.
- Improvement: Tracker now can auto add or removes files from library
- Improvement: Now Trackma uses HTTPS where possible.
- Bugfix: Using HTTPS with MAL; fixes 403 error.
- Bugfix: Fixed `gi` package requirement.
- Bugfix: Fixed search function in Anilist


- New: (curses) Configurable colors, multiple keybinds, hide help bar
- Improvement: (CLI) search now works in any position of the title
- Bugfix: (CLI) search now shows correct index
- Bugfix: (CLI) Fixed problem where commands weren't working properly
- Bugfix: (curses) Help dialog now shows keybinds correctly


- New: Switching to Python 3
- New: Switching to GTK 3
- Improvement: Few interface improvements


- New: Shikimori support
- New: Qt5 support
- New: User hooks (~/.trackma/
- Improvement: (Qt) Configurable list colors
- Improvement: (Qt) Interface improvements
- Improvement: (curses) Implemented sort reversal
- Improvement: (CLI) Prompt and help overhaul
- Bugfix: (Qt/GTK) Progress bar works for shows with no total episodes (assumes 1 cour = 26 eps)
- Bugfix: (GTK) Fixed sensitivity of several menu items


- New: Anilist support
- New: Plex tracker support
- New: Implemented inotify-based tracker for instant recognition (Linux only)
- New: Added OAuth authentication support in the engine
- New: Added local library functionality
- New: Added option to wait for the player to close and ask before updating
- Improvement: (Qt/GTK) New more detailed progress bar showing available and aired episodes
- Improvement: (Qt) Option to remember position, size and state
- Improvement: (CLI) Added indexes to make specifying a show quicker
- Improvement: (Qt/GTK) Added shortcuts
- Bugfix: Fixed occasional bug where the cache got corrupted
- Bugfix: (Qt) Fixed problem with non-western characters in the search dialog
- Bugfix: (MAL) Fixed situations where libmal had problems with non-gzipped responses
- Bugfix: (MAL) Fixed an error when MAL returned an empty document
- Bugfix: (MAL) Fixed handling of HTML entities
- Bugfix: (Hummingbird) Working around issue with empty titles

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