- [Feature] Creation of a plugin system.
- [Feature] Kubernetes support out of beta.
- [Improvement] Switch to pinned image tags for easier upgrades.
- 💥[Improvement] Remove the `-y/--yes` option: `tutor config save` is now non-interactive by default. Use `-i/--interactive` to force interactive mode.
- 💥[Improvement] Replace the `databases` command with `init`.
- [Improvement] Upgrade to ironwood.2.
- [Improvement] Add `-y/--yes` option to `local quickstart` for non-interactive quickstart.
- [Improvement] Persist LMS/CMS logs to disk by default (with collaboration from silviot 💪).
- [Bugfix] Fix installing a locally cloned requirement repository.
- [Improvement] Add `--no-cache` option to `images build`.
- [Improvement] Make it possible to configure the notes service hostname.
- [Improvement] Better, more robust MySQL initialisation.