- [Improvement] Make it possible to extend or override the configuration of the uWSGI server. (by MoisesGSalas)
- [Improvement] Running `tutor dev launch --mount=edx-platform` now performs all necessary setup for a local edx-platform development. This includes running setup.py, installing node modules, and building assets; previously, those steps had to be run explicitly after bind-mounting a local copy of edx-platform (by kdmccormick).
- [Bugfix] Running jobs in development mode with `tutor dev do ...` will now correctly use the development image. Previously, it used the production image, just like `tutor local do ...`. (by kdmccormick)
- [Improvement] Faster build with `npm clean-install` instead of `npm install` in the openedx Docker image. This may change the version of npm packages installed next to edx-platform. (by regisb)
- [Feature] Introduce the `DOCKER_BUILD_COMMAND` filter which makes it possible to customize the `docker build` command. (by regisb)
- [Improvement] During openedx image build, copy `dockerize` utility from Docker registry for better efficiency. (by regisb)
- [Improvement] Better highlight enabled plugins in `tutor plugins list`. (by regisb)
- [Bugfix] Make sure that v0 plugin patches are applied in the same order as plugins are listed. (by regisb)
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