
Latest version: v2.14.0

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This release adds a workaround for a bug in Twitter's Counts API endpoint which was resulting in the `twarc2 counts` command stopping prematurely. Thanks to melaniewalsh and SamHames for the detective work! See 602 for the story.


This release is functionally identical to v2.9.3, which contained a bugfix for an issue with the streaming API raising an exception and stopping early.

Due to a mistake in the release process v2.9.3 wasn't deployed to PyPI. Rather than edit history to re-release that version, this new release is being made instead.


This version fixes a bug in the twarc2 sample command, that would cause an exception to be raised when trying to log a non-existent tweet ID.


This release includes new functionality to provide a User-Agent HTTP header with all Twitter API requests. For example:

twarc/2.9.2 (Darwin x86_64) CPython/3.10.1


Updated version number.


What's Changed
* More badges in the readme by igorbrigadir in
* Support likes and retweets endpoints. by SamHames in

**Full Changelog**:

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