This release includes a new command for retrieving data from the new [counts API](
Usage: twarc2 counts [OPTIONS] QUERY [OUTFILE]
Return counts of tweets matching a query.
--since-id INTEGER Count tweets sent after tweet id
--until-id INTEGER Count tweets sent prior to tweet id
--start-time [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S]
Count tweets created after UTC time (ISO
8601/RFC 3339), e.g. 2021-01-01T12:31:04
--end-time [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S]
Count tweets sent before UTC time (ISO
8601/RFC 3339)
--archive Count using the full archive (requires
Academic Research track)
--granularity [day|hour|minute]
Aggregation level for counts. Can be one of:
day, hour, minute. Default is hour.
--limit INTEGER Maximum number of days of results to save
(minimum is 30 days)
--text Output the counts as human readable text
--csv Output counts as CSV
--help Show this message and exit.