- Updated cython dependency to 0.29.21. - Added support for Python 3.9.
- Updated tlsio_openssl module to send SNI when establishing tls connection (Thanks to milope). - Fixed bug where [Message.footer]{.title-ref} and [Message.delivery_annotation]{.title-ref} were not encoded into the outgoing payload. - Fixed bug where message sending timeout error didn\'t get raised out.
- Added parameter [shutdown_after_timeout]{.title-ref} to [ReceiveClient]{.title-ref} and [ReceiveClientAsync]{.title-ref} which gives control over whether to shutdown receiver after timeout.
- Added method [MessageReceiver.reset_link_credit]{.title-ref} which is responsible for resetting current available link credit on the receiver link and send update to the sender.
- Fix to initialize delivery_count header at 0 instead of None (azure-sdk-for-python issue 9708) - Added info fields to rejected delivery disposition.
- Fixed bug in setting certificate of tlsio on MacOS (azure-sdk-for-python issue 7201). - Fixed seg fault in logging network tracing on MacOS (PR147, Thanks to malthe). - Fixed typos in log messages (PR146, Thanks to bluca). - Improved reproducibility of the generated c_uamqp.c file (PR144, Thanks to bluca).