- API settled.
- **Behaviour change** When a SendClient or SendClientAsync is
shutdown, any remaining pending messages (that is messages in the
states [WaitingToBeSent]{.title-ref} and
[WaitingForSendAck]{.title-ref}) will no longer be cleared, but can
be retrieved from a new attribute
[SendClient.pending_messages]{.title-ref} in order to be
re-processed as needed.
- **Behaviour change** The function
[SendClient.queue_message]{.title-ref} now allows for queueing
multiple messages at once by simply passing in additional message
> - [send_client.queue_message(my_message)]{.title-ref}
> - [send_client.queue_message(message_1, message_2,
> message_3)]{.title-ref}
> - [send_client.queue_message(\*my_message_list)]{.title-ref}
- An authentication object will now raise a [ValueError]{.title-ref}
if one attempts to use it for more than one connection.
- Renamed internal [\_async]{.title-ref} module to non-private
[async_ops]{.title-ref} to allow for docs generation.
- Reformatted logging for better performance.
- Added additional logging.