- feat: add `ethernet` service to show ethernet status in a status bar icon - refactor: move `Fake` class from wifi service to ubo_app for the sake of reusability
- feat: use redux store for ip service so that other services can use its state - refactor: use `Sequence` type instead of `list` type whenever it is enough
- refactor: use `socket` instead of `pythonping` to reduce dependencies and make things work without root access - fix: correct the priority of the icon of the ip service
- docs: write `README.md` with installation and usage instructions - refactor: remove the leftovers of the action/event payloads
- feat: check and update status icons of ip and wifi services - feat: introduce `UBO_DEBUG` environment variable to control the state of debug logs/utilities
- refactor: remove all `...Payload` classes as `Action`s and `Event`s have no other fields other than payload due to `type` being obsolete in this implementation - refactor: utilize debouncer package in wifi service to listen to and debounce dbus events - refactor: improve responsiveness of wifi connection page