
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 706259 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- chore(test): set up testing framework with initial examples
- chore(test): set up snapshot test helper to compare screenshots of different stages of tests with previous successful tests using hashes


- feat: add ollama and open-webui docker images
- feat: render a qrcode for each ip x port combination of a container
- feat: add `UBO_DOCKER_PREFIX` to help pull docker images from local registries during development
- feat: let images depend on eachother's ip address to let semi composition
- feat: read the state of all relevant containers during initialization and update the store accordingly
- feat: add `--restart=always` for all containers, in the future we will make it customizable.
- chore: add python-dotenv and read `.env` and `.dev.env` files during initialization
- chore: update to latest version of ubo-gui and headless-kivy-pi


- chore: split asset files bigger than 2GB in the release into chunks of 2GB.
- refactor: general housekeeping


- fix: wireless module now has sufficient privileges


- chore: setup git-lfs for audio files


- chore: create ubo images for main branch based on lite, default and full versions of raspberry os in GitHub workflow
- chore: create GitHub release for main branch in GitHub workflows

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