Version 0.5.0 introduces new commands to support single-cell RNA-Seq and reduces run-time. The underlying methods have not changed hence the minor release number uptick.
UMI-tools goes single cell
New commands for single cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq):
* **whitelist** - Extract cell barcodes (CB) from droplet-based scRNA-Seq fastqs and estimate the number of "true"
CBs. Outputs a flatfile listing the true cell barcodes and 'error' barcodes within a set distance. See 97 for a motivating example. Thanks to Hoohm for input and patience in testing. Thanks to k3yavi for input in discussions about implementing a 'knee' method.
* **count** - Count the number of reads per cell per gene after de-duplication. This tool uses the same underlying methods as `group` and `dedup` and acts to simplify scRNA-Seq read-counting with `umi_tools`. See 114, 131
* **count_tab** - As per `count` but works from a flatfile input from e.g `featureCounts` - See 44, 121, 125
In the process of creating these commands, the options for dealing with UMIs on a "per-gene" basis have been re-jigged to make their purpose clearer. See e.g 127 for a motvating example.
To perform `group`, `dedup` or `count` on a per-gene, basis, the `--per-gene` option should be provided. This must be combined with either `--gene-tag` if the BAM contains gene assignments in a tag, or `--per-contig` if the reads have been aligned to a transcriptome. In the later case, if the reads have been aligned to a transcriptome where each contig is a transcript, the option `--gene-transcript-map` can be used to operate at the gene level. These options are standardised across all tools such that one can easily change e.g a `count` command into a `dedup` command.
Updated options:
* **extract** - Can now accept regex patterns to describe UMI +/- CB encoding in read(s). See `--extract-method=regex` option.
We have written a guide for how to [use UMI-tools for scRNA-Seq analysis]( including estimation of the number of true CBs, flexible extraction of cell barcodes and UMIs and per-cell read-counting as well as common workflow variations.
Reduced run-time (156)
Introduced a hashing step to limit the scope of the edit-distance comparisons required to build the networks. Big thanks to mparker2 for this!
Simplified installation ( 145 )
Previously extensions were cythonized and compiled on the fly using 'pyximport, requiring users to have access to the install directory the first time the extension was required. Now the cythonized extension is provided, and is compiled at install-time.