**Added functionality:**
- ***Deduplicating on gene ids*** ( 44 for motivation):
The user can now _group_/_dedup_ according to the gene which the read aligns to. This is useful for single cell RNA-Seq methods such as e.g CEL-Seq where the position of the read on a transcript may be different for reads generated from the same initial molecule. The following options may be used define the gene_id for each read:
- ***Working with BAM tags*** (73, 76, 89):
UMIs can now be extracted from the BAM tags and_group_ will add a tag to each read describing the read group and UMI. See following options for controlling this behaviour:
- ***Ouput unmapped reads*** (78)
The _group_ command will now output unmapped reads if the `--output-unmapped` is supplied. These reads will not be assigned to any group.
\+ bug fixes for group command (67, 81) and updated documentation (77, 79 )