- Commands contributed in pull request `91`, authored by `bennihepp`
- Add `vget /camera/[id]/pose`, `vset /camera/[id]/pose`
- Add `vget/vset /camera/[id]/horizontal_fieldofview`
- Add `vget /camera/[id]/vis_depth npy` and `vget /camera/[id]/plane_depth npy`
- Add `vset /object/[id]/show`, `vset /object/[id]/hide`
- Add `vset /action/input/enable`, `vset /action/input/disable`
- Add more commands
- Add `vget /object/[id]/mobility`, `vget /object/[id]/location`, `vget /object/[id]/rotation`
- Add `vget /camera/[id]/normal npy`
- Add `vset /action/eyes_distance [eye_distance]`
- Add `vset /action/game/pause`
- Update the python client to support python3
- Improve documentation
The binary is built for Unreal Engine 4.16. If you need a binary for a different engine version, please follow the compile instruction [here](http://docs.unrealcv.org/en/master/plugin/install.html#compile-from-source-code)