* fix: Match TRA to VCF specification
BREAKING CHANGE: Translocations are no longer named TRN, but TRA instead ([`1f7dd1e`](
* feat: Add empty_dataframe method ([`ebaf357`](
* feat: Add to_dataframe() method ([`4e666aa`](
* feat: Convert 1-length DELs to INS ([`ae6cd8c`](
* fix: Fix typing Python3.6 ([`1d72f80`](
* fix: Fix typing for Python3.6 ([`1648bb7`](
* fix: Rename to breakend notation ([`2d86782`](
* fix: Print format values in the correct order ([`ee3d399`](
* fix: Fix float .2f VCF representation ([`ed34a40`](
* fix: Trim extra \t ([`ef55c36`](
* fix: Prioritize MATEID over coords for matching breakends ([`c6d21bf`](
* fix: Unify different filters for paired breakends ([`2407216`](
* fix: Change SNV length to 1 ([`dfe6463`](
* fix: Fix wrong SAMPLEs in multiallelic variants ([`7fc170f`](